1. a. List the key assumptions

1. a. List the key assumptions of Ricardian comparativeadvantage.

b. Given the output per labor coefficients for each countrybelow (Q/L),

Which country has absolute advantage? ____________________

c. Which country has comparative advantage in Software__________

In Fuel Cells _______________

Product india (Q/L) China (Q/L)
Software 4 5
Fuel Cells 2 3

d. Complete the table below with opportunity cost of eachproduct in each country:

Prodcut India China

e. Graph the production possibilities frontier in each country.

f. At what price ratio (RoW) can both countries gain fromtrade?

g. Illustrate the gains from trade.

h. Given a wage = $1.00 in China and wage = $.65 in India, couldboth countries compete in Fuel Cells? Explain and calculate unitlabor costs in both countries in the fuel cell industry.



a. Key Assumptions of Ricardian ComparativeAdvantage

  • There are only two countries.
  • Both countries produce the same two commodities.
  • Labor is the only factor of production in both countries and isfully employed in both countries.
  • Labor supply is unchanged.
  • All units of labor are homogenous.
  • The factor of production (labor) is perfectly mobile withineach country but immmobile between the two countries.
  • Technological know-how does not change in both countries.
  • There are no trade barriers and restrictions between twocountries.
  • There is no transportation cost incurred during the tradebetween two countries.
  • Production of commodities follow constant returns.
  • Both countries have similar taste.  

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