1.Calaveras Tire exchanged equ

1.Calaveras Tire exchanged equipment for two pickup trucks. Thebook value and fair value of the equipment given up were $36,000(original cost of $89,000 less accumulated depreciation of $53,000)and $48,000, respectively. Assume Calaveras paid $7,000 in cash andthe exchange lacks commercial substance.

At what amount will Calaveras value the pickup trucks? How muchgain or loss will the company recognize on the exchange?

Value of Pick Up Trucks=


2.Calaveras Tire exchanged equipment for two pickup trucks. Thebook value and fair value of the equipment given up were $31,000(original cost of $81,500 less accumulated depreciation of $50,500)and $22,500, respectively. Assume Calaveras paid $8,500 in cash andthe exchange has commercial substance.

At what amount will Calaveras value the pickup trucks? How muchgain or loss will the company recognize on the exchange?

Value of Pick Up Trucks=


3.Pro-tech Software acquired all of the outstanding stock ofReliable Software for $17 million. The book value of Reliable’s netassets (assets minus liabilities) was $8.6 million. The fair valuesof Reliable’s assets and liabilities equaled their book values withthe exception of certain intangible assets whose fair valuesexceeded book values by $2.8 million.Calculate the amount paid for goodwill.

4.Fullerton Waste Management purchased land and a warehouse for$610,000. In addition to the purchase price, Fullerton made thefollowing expenditures related to the acquisition: broker’scommission, $31,000; title insurance, $3,500; miscellaneous closingcosts, $6,500. The warehouse was immediately demolished at a costof $19,000 in anticipation of the building of a newwarehouse.Determine the amounts Fullerton should capitalize as the cost ofthe land and the building.

Capatalized Cost Of Land=

Capatalized Cost of Buidling =


A company purchased land, a building, and equipment for oneprice of $1,550,000. The estimated fair values of the land,building, and equipment are $193,750, $1,356,250, and $387,500,respectively. At what amount would the company record the land?

  • $193,750

  • $155,000

  • $1,550,000

  • $165,000


Answer (1):-

The value of pickup trucks is calculated as follows:

Value of pickup trucks=Fairvalueofmachinery+Cashpaid



Therefore, value of pickup trucks is $55,000.

The Calaveras Company will value the pickup trucks at$55,000

The gain the Calaveras Company recognises on exchange iscalculated as follows:

Gain on exchange=Fair value of machinery−Book value ofmachinery

   = $48,000 – $36,000

   = $12,000

The Calaveras Company recognises a gain of $12,000 onthe exchange.

Answer (2):-

The value of pickup trucks is calculated as follows:

Value of pickup trucks=Fairvalueofmachinery+Cashpaid



Therefore, value of pickup trucks is $31,000.

The Calaveras Company will value the pickup trucks at$31,000

The gain the Calaveras Company recognises on exchange iscalculated as follows:

Gain(Loss) on exchange=Fair value of machinery−Book value ofmachinery

   = $22,500 – $31,000

   = ($8,500)

The Calaveras Company recognises a loss of $8,500 on theexchange

Answer (3):-

Calculate the total value of net assets:

Book value of net assets $8,600,000

Add:- Excess of fair value over book value $2,800,000

of intangible assets

Total value of assets   $11,400,000

Calculate the amount for goodwill:

Purchase Price $17,000,000

Less:- Total value of assets    $11,400,000

Total value of goodwill   $5,600,000

Answer (4):-

Capitalized cost of land:

Purchase price $610,000
Broker’s commission $31,000
Title insurance $3,500
Miscellaneous closing costs $6,500
Demolition of old building $19,000
Total cost $670,000

All of the expenditures, including the costs to demolish the oldbuilding, are included in the initial cost of the land.

Capitalized cost of land = $670,000

Capitalized cost of building = $0

Answer 5 :-

Total Consideration:1,550,000
Assets    Fair value    % of   Total Consideration apportioned
Land             193,750 10%    155,000
Building         1,356,250 70%    1,085,000
Equipment             387,500 20%    310,000
TOTAL            1,937,500 100% 1,550,000
Land is recorded at $155,000.

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