1.Consider the reaction when a

1.Consider the reaction when aqueous solutions of Chromium(II)iodide and sodium acetate are combined. The net ionic equation forthis reaction is

2.Consider the reaction when aqueous solutions of lead(II)acetate and manganese(II) iodide are combined. The net ionicequation for this is
3. Consider the reaction when aqueous solutions oflead(II) nitrate and manganese (II) bromide are combined. The netionic equation for this is
4. Write the balanced net ionic equation for thisreaction.Pb(NO3)2(aq)+MnI2(aq)->PbI2(s)+Mn(NO3)2(aq)
5. Write a net ionic equation for the reaction thatoccurs when aqueous solutions of ammonia and nitric acid arecombined
6. Write a net ionic equation for the reaction thatoccurs when aqueous solutions of ammonia and hypochlrous acid arecombined
7. Write a net ionic equation for the reaction thatoccurs when aqueous solutions of ammonia and hydrochloric acid arecombined


– Most alkali metal (group I metals) are always soluble

– Cations/Anions such as NH4+, HCO3-; ClO3-, NO3- are alwayssoluble

– Most halides are soluble, F-,Cl-,Br-,I-, exceptions = Ag+,Hg2+2, Pb+2 compounds

– Most sulfates are soluble (SO4-2); exceptions = Ag+, Ca+2,Sr+2, Ba+2, Hg2+2, Pb+2 compounds

– In general (except all alkali metals) these ions will NOT besoluble: PO4-3, CrO4-2, S-2, CO3-2

1.Consider the reaction when aqueous solutions ofChromium(II) iodide and sodium acetate are combined. The net ionicequation for this reaction is

CrI2(aq) + NaCH3COO(aq) = no reaction

Note that acetates and sodium are soluble, will not formcompounds

2.Consider the reaction when aqueous solutions oflead(II) acetate and manganese(II) iodide are combined. The netionic equation for this is

Pb2+ , CH3COO,Mn2+, I-
lead iodide willform
Pb2+(aq) 2I-(aq)= PbI2(s)

3. Consider the reaction when aqueous solutions oflead(II) nitrate and manganese (II) bromide are combined. The netionic equation for this is

Similar as in 2, Bromide ions and Lead form precipitate

Pb2+(aQ) + 2Br-(aq) = PbBr2(s)

4. Write the balanced net ionic equation for this reaction.Pb(NO3)2(aq)+MnI2(aq)->PbI2(s)+Mn(NO3)2(aq)

Net ionic includes only solid formatino

Pb2+(aq) + 2I-(aq) = PbI2(s)

5. Write a net ionic equation for the reaction thatoccurs when aqueous solutions of ammonia and nitric acid arecombined

net ionic is:

NH3(aq) + H+(aq) = NH4+(aq)

6. Write a net ionic equation for the reaction thatoccurs when aqueous solutions of ammonia and hypochlrous acid arecombined


NH3(aq) + HClO(a) = NH4+(aq) + ClO-(aq)

ClO- must be added, since it is molecular and will form ClO- +H2O <-> HClO

7. Write a net ionic equation for the reaction thatoccurs when aqueous solutions of ammonia and hydrochloric acid arecombined

NH3(aq) + H+(aq) = NH4+(aq)

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