1) Describe the basic characte

1) Describe the basic characteristics of bacteria. 2) Describethe components of the following cell walls, including the size ofthe peptidoglycan layer and fully describe any unique components ofthe cell wall: a. Gram positive b. Gram negative c. Acid-fast 3)What is an endotoxin? What are the effects of endotoxin? 4) Nameexamples of wall-deficient bacteria. How do they survive without acell wall? 5) Describe the following bacterial shapes: a. Coccus b.Coccobacillus c. Vibrio d. Bacillus e. Spirillum f. Spirochete 6)Define “halophile.


1)  Basic characteristics of bacteria.

  • Single-celled organisms
  • Spherical, spiral or rod-shaped organisms
  • Bacterial cells lack organelles.
  • Bacterial cells do not have a nucleus.
  • They have a peptidoglycan cell wall

2) a. Gram-positive

Size of the peptidoglycanlayer – 30 – 100 nanometers thick and has more layers.

Unique components of the cellwall

  • The peptide chains seen inGram-positive bacteria are extremely cross-linked withbridges.

b. Gram-negative

Size of the peptidoglycanlayer – 10 nanometer-thin and has only one layer ofpeptidoglycan.

Unique components of the cellwall

  • The peptide chains seen inGram-negative bacteria are partly cross-linked.

c. Acid-fast

Size of the peptidoglycanlayer – 30 – 100 nanometers thick as they aregram-positive.

Unique components of the cellwall

  • The cell wall of acid-fast bacteriahas a thick, outer lipid-rich layer covered by Mycolic Acid whichis a fatty acid.

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