1. Evolutionary process and ge

1. Evolutionary process and geneticvariation:

a) Explain to the general public how genetic variability occursin domesticated organisms, and why mutation is an essentialcomponent that allows for production of new agriculturalvarieties.

b) Explain the following statement to a college sciencefreshman: “The genetic variation on which natural selection actsmay occur randomly, but natural selection is not random atall.”

c) Describe two situations where mutations are random, and twosituations where the mutations are not random.   Explainwhy we see these differences.


1 (a) Genetic variability can cause by mutation. Mutation leadyo genetic variability. As according to the need , one canhybridise or can do random mating between species of plant togenerate a new variety or can choose traits.

Mutation is an essential component as it is sudden and heritablechange which can give rise to new varities as it results inrecombination of different genes.

(b) As in genetiv variation , genes are involved and duringcrossing over , genrs are randomly transferred as well as mutationcan occur randomly which cause genetic variation but Naturalselection is not random process as natural selection depemd on manyfactors like differential survival and reproduction rates whichgreatly depends on individual’s fitness. Natural selexsele can acton any heritable or transferable phenotypic trait.

(C) Random mutation : Sickle cell anemia , Antibioticsresistanant bacteria where mutation act randomly

Non ramdom mutation : Epigenetic and Evolution

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