1. For a sample of 400 correct

1. For a sample of 400 correctional officers at Lucasville StatePrison, a researcher believes there is a

relationship between “years on the job” and “willingness to helpraise money for adult charities.” Using

the following data, test the null hypothesis at the .05 level ofsignificance that willingness to help raise

donations does not differ by length of service as a correctionalofficer. In so doing, identify: (1) the

research and null hypothesis, (2) the critical value needed toreject the null, (3) the decision that you made

upon analyzing the data, and (4) the conclusion you have drawnbased on the decision you have made.

*Please show all work*

Years as a Correctional Officer
Willingness to Help One Two Three Four or More Total
Willing 60 64 60 60 244
Unwilling 60 56 20 20 156
120 120 80 80 400



Chi square test for independence:

H0:There is no association between“years on the job” and “willingness to help raise money for adultcharities.”

Ha:There is association between “years on thejob” and “willingness to help raise money for adult charities.”

degree of freedom=(2-1)*(4-1)=3

critical chi squarevalue=CHIINV(0.05,3)=7.815

Expected count=row sum*column sum/overall sum

One Two Three Four or more Total
Willing 60 64 60 60 244
Unwilling 60 56 20 20 156
Total 120 120 80 80 400
One Two Three Four or more Total
Willing 73.20 73.20 48.80 48.80 244
Unwilling 46.80 46.80 31.20 31.20 156
Total 120 120 80 80 400
Chi square=(fo-fe)^2/fe
Perfect Made 4 U 25 Hours Total
Rejected 2.380 1.156 2.570 2.570 8.678
Perfect 3.723 1.809 4.021 4.021 13.573
Total 6.103 2.965 6.591 6.591 22.250

Test statistic:

Chi square=22.250

As,test statistic is greater than critical chi square value of7.815,so we reject the null hypothesis.

There is sufficient evidence to conclude that“years on the job” and “willingness to help raise money for adultcharities” are associated.

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