1. Group IV ions 2. During you
1. Group IV ions
2. During your Qualitative Analysis, the ions in this group willnot precipitate as chlorides, sulfides or hydroxides
3. The test for ammonium ions must be done first because
4. To detect K+ (aq) in a solution that is known to contain onlyK+ (aq) and Na+ (aq)
5. To detect Ca2+ (aq) in a solution that is known to containonly Ca2+ (aq), Fe3+ (aq) and Al3+ (aq), you must
6. To detect Mg2+ (aq) in a solution that is known to containonly Mg2+ (aq), Cu2+ (aq) and Na+ (aq)
7. These ions form few insoluble compounds
8. According to your flow chart, how will you reduce Mg3+ (aq)to Mg 2+ (aq)?
9. During the analysis of your Qual IV unknown, how will youprecipitate CaC2 O4 (s) from a solution containing Mg2+ (aq) andCa2+ (aq) ions ?
10. According to your flow chart, how will you oxidize K+(aq)?
Match with one of the following:
A. This ion is not reduced
B. first precipitate out Group III ions
C. first precipitate out Group II ions
D. use cobalt glass to obscure the yellow flame, look for aviolet color
E. K+ (aq) and Na+ (aq)
F. add 5M NH3 (aq), 2M NH4 Cl and 0.2M (NH4 )2 C2 O4
G. have no common theme
H. This ion is not oxidized
I. Group IV
J. reagents containing this ion are added in later steps
1.. Group IV ions
2. During your Qualitative Analysis, the ions in this group willnot precipitate as chlorides, sulfides or hydroxides
I. Group IV
3. The test for ammonium ions must be done first because
J. reagents containing this ion are added in later steps
4. To detect K+ (aq) in a solution that is known to contain onlyK+ (aq) and Na+ (aq)
D. use cobalt glass to obscure the yellow flame, look for aviolet color
5. To detect Ca2+ (aq) in a solution that is known to containonly Ca2+ (aq), Fe3+ (aq) and Al3+ (aq), you must
F. add 5M NH3 (aq), 2M NH4 Cl and 0.2M (NH4 )2 C2 O4
6. To detect Mg2+ (aq) in a solution that is known to containonly Mg2+ (aq), Cu2+ (aq) and Na+ (aq)
C. first precipitate out Group II ions
7. These ions form few insoluble compounds
E. K+ (aq) and Na+ (aq)
8. According to your flow chart, how will you reduce Mg3+ (aq)to Mg 2+ (aq)?
A. This ion is not reduced
9. During the analysis of your Qual IV unknown, how will youprecipitate CaC2 O4 (s) from a solution containing Mg2+ (aq) andCa2+ (aq) ions ?
B. first precipitate out Group III ions
10. According to your flow chart, how will you oxidize K+(aq)?
H. This ion is not oxidized
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