1. Product A has an MTBF of 90

1. Product A has an MTBF of 90000 hours and an MTTR of 5300hours. Product B has an MTBF of 29000 hours and an MTTR of 1900hours. What is the Systems Availability for each product?

a. None of these are correct

b. A = 94.43; B = 93.85 .

c. A = 94.43; B = 1.07

d. A = 1.06; B = 93.85

e. A= 1.06; B= 1.07


The difference between Six Sigma and Design for Six Sigmais:

Design for Six Sigma is for products and Six Sigma is only forquality issues

Design and Verify.

None of these

There is no difference


The AEB Company is looking at tools for controlling projects.From the customer perspective what project control tool should theyuse?

Gantt or CPM

Gantt or PERT

Gantt Chart

Need all three.


1. b. A = 94.43; B = 93.85 .

System Availability = MTBF / (MTBF + MTTR)

System availability for product A = 90000 / (90000+5300)

= 94.43

System availability for product A = 29000 / (29000+1900)

= 93.85


2. none of these

Design For Six Sigma (DFSS) is used for design of newprocesses/products or complete re-design of existing processes,whereas Six Sigma is used for improvement in existing processes andquality control of products.


3. Gantt

A Gantt chart provides the overview of the progress of a projectin the form of a horizontal bar chart. A Gantt chart shows theplanned schedule and actual progress of activities of a project inthe form of horizontal bars with timeline along the horizontalaxis. It gives an overview of the current status of the project,and which activities are behind, on or ahead of schedule. This is asimple and useful tool to control the project from a customerperspective. PERT and CPM are more useful for project manager, whoneeds to assign resources to activities as per their criticalityand slack.

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