1. Project L costs $60,000, it

1. Project L costs $60,000, its expected cash inflows are$13,000 per year for 11 years, and its WACC is 14%. What is theproject’s NPV?

2. Project L costs $46,352.00, its expected cash inflows are$11,000 per year for 8 years, and its WACC is 13%. What is theproject’s IRR?

3. Project L costs $75,000, its expected cash inflows are$14,000 per year for 8 years, and its WACC is 14%. What is theproject’s MIRR?

4. Project L costs $75,000, its expected cash inflows are$11,000 per year for 12 years, and its WACC is 14%. What is theproject’s payback?

5. Project L costs $30,000, its expected cash inflows are $8,000per year for 8 years, and its WACC is 10%. What is the project’sdiscounted payback?


1. Computationof NPV

Computation of Present value of Cashinflows

Cash inflows = $ 13000 per year

Time period = 11 years

WACC = 14%

We know that Present value of Ordinary Annuity = C * [ {1-( 1+i)^-n} /i]

Here C = Cash flow per period

i = Rate of interest

n = No. of years

Present value of Cashflows accruing from Year 1 to 11 = $ 13000[ { 1-( 1.14)^-11}/0.14]

= $ 13000[ { ( 1-0.2366} /0.14]

= $ 13000[ 0.76338/0.14]

= $ 13000*5.45271

= $ 70885.23

We know that NPV = Present value of future cash flows – Initialoutlay

= $ 70885.23 -$ 60000

= $ 10885.23

Hence NPV is $ 10885.23

2) Computationof IRR

We know that at IRR, NPVshould be 0

Let us findout IRR by using Trial and error method

Year Cash flow Disc @ 13% [ 1/ ( 1+r)^n] Discounting factor Discounted Cashflows( Discountingfactor at 13% * Cashflow) Disc @ 16% [ 1/ ( 1+r)^n] Discounting factor Discounted Cashflows( Discountingfactor at 16% * Cashflow) Disc @ 17% [ 1/ ( 1+r)^n] Discounting factor Discounted Cashflows( Discountingfactor at 17% * Cashflow)
0 ($46,352) 1/( 1.13)^0 1 ($46,352.0000) 1/( 1.16)^0 1 ($46,352.0000) 1/( 1.17)^0 1.00000 ($46,352.0000)
1 $11,000 1/( 1.13)^1 0.88496 $9,734.5133 1/( 1.16)^1 0.86207 $9,482.7586 1/( 1.17)^1 0.85470 $9,401.7094
2 $11,000 1/( 1.13)^2 0.78315 $8,614.6135 1/( 1.16)^2 0.74316 $8,174.7919 1/( 1.17)^2 0.73051 $8,035.6491
3 $11,000 1/( 1.13)^3 0.69305 $7,623.5518 1/( 1.16)^3 0.64066 $7,047.2344 1/( 1.17)^3 0.62437 $6,868.0761
4 $11,000 1/( 1.13)^4 0.61332 $6,746.5060 1/( 1.16)^4 0.55229 $6,075.2021 1/( 1.17)^4 0.53365 $5,870.1505
5 $11,000 1/( 1.13)^5 0.54276 $5,970.3593 1/( 1.16)^5 0.47611 $5,237.2432 1/( 1.17)^5 0.45611 $5,017.2227
6 $11,000 1/( 1.13)^6 0.48032 $5,283.5038 1/( 1.16)^6 0.41044 $4,514.8648 1/( 1.17)^6 0.38984 $4,288.2245
7 $11,000 1/( 1.13)^7 0.42506 $4,675.6671 1/( 1.16)^7 0.35383 $3,892.1248 1/( 1.17)^7 0.33320 $3,665.1492
8 $11,000 1/( 1.13)^8 0.37616 $4,137.7585 1/( 1.16)^8 0.30503 $3,355.2800 1/( 1.17)^8 0.28478 $3,132.6061
$6,434.4732 $1,427.4998 ($73.2124)

From the Above table we can say that IRR lies between 16% and17%

By using interpolation technique we can find the exact IRR.

L.R +[ { NPV at L.R * ( H.R – L.R)}/ ( NPV at L.R – NPV at H.R)]

Here L.R = Lower rate and H.R = Higher rate

=16% + [ { $ 1427.4998 ( 17% -16% ) } / [$ 1427.4998 -(-$73.2124)]

=16% + [ ( $ 1427.4998/ $ 1500.7123]

=16% +0.9512%


Hence the IRR is 16.95%

3) Computationof MIRR

Given Cash flow per year = $ 14000

Reinvestment rate = 14%

Time Period = 8 Years

Computation of Terminal Cash flows

We know that Future Value of Ordimary Annuity = C [ { ( 1+i) ^n-1 ) /i]

Here C = Cash flow per period

I = Rate of interest

n = No.of Years

Future value of Cash flows = $ 14000[ { ( 1.14)^8-1} /0.14]

= $ 14000 [ { 2.85259-1} /0.14]

= $ 14000 { 1.85259/0.14]

= $ 14000*13.2328

=$ 185259.20

Hence the Terminal Cashflows is $ 185259.20

We know that MIRR = [  (Terminal Cash flow / InitialOutlay ) ^1/n -1]

= [ ($ 185259.20/ $ 75000)^ 1/8 -1]

= ( 2.47012 ) ^0.125 -1

= 1.11967-1

= 0.11967

Hence MIRR is 11.967%

4) Computationof Payback period

Year Cashinflow Cummulative cashinflows
1 $11,000 $11,000
2 $11,000 $ 11000+$ 11000= $ 22000
3 $11,000 $ 2200+$ 11000= $ 33000
4 $11,000 $ 33000+$ 11000= $ 44000
5 $11,000 $ 44000+$ 11000= $ 55000
6 $11,000 $ 55000+$ 11000= $ 66000
7 $11,000 $ 66000+$ 11000= $ 77000
8 $11,000 $ 77000+$ 11000= $ 88000
9 $11,000 $ 88000+$ 11000= $ 99000
10 $11,000 $ 99000+$ 11000= $ 110000
11 $11,000 $ 110000+$ 11000= $ 121000
12 $11,000 $ 121000+$ 11000= $ 132000

Pay Back period is nothing but within What time we can recoverour investment amount.

Pay back period = Years before full recovery + Unrecoveredamount at the start of the year / Cash flow during the year

= 6+ ( $ 75000-$ 66000) / $ 11000

= 6+ $ 9000/$ 11000

= 6+0.8182

= 6.8182

Hence Pay back period is 6.8182 Years

5)Compountation of Discounted pay back period

Year Cashinflow Disc @10% [ 1/(1+r)^n] Discounting factor Discounted cashflows( Cashinflow*Discounting factor) Cummulative Cashinfows
1 $8,000 1/( 1.10)^1 0.9091 $7,272.7273 $7,272.73
2 $8,000 1/( 1.10)^2 0.8264 $6,611.5702 $7272.7273+$ 6611.5702= $13884.2975
3 $8,000 1/( 1.10)^3 0.7513 $6,010.5184 $ 13884.2975+$ 6010.5184 = $19894.8159
4 $8,000 1/( 1.10)^4 0.6830 $5,464.1076 $19894.8159+$ 5464.1076=$25358.9236
5 $8,000 1/( 1.10)^5 0.6209 $4,967.3706 $25358.9236+$ 4967.3706=$30326.2942
6 $8,000 1/( 1.10)^6 0.5645 $4,515.7914 $30326.2942+$ 4515.7914=$34842.0856
7 $8,000 1/( 1.10)^7 0.5132 $4,105.2649 $34842.0856+$ 4105.2649= $38947.3505
8 $8,000 1/( 1.10)^8 0.4665 $3,732.0590 3$8947.3505+$ 3732.0590=$42679.4096

Discounted Pay back period = Years before full recovery +Unrecovered amount at the start of the year /Discounted Cash flowduring the year

= 4+ ( $ 30000-$25358.9236) / $4967.3706

=4+ $ 4641.0764/ $ 4967.3706


=4.9343 Years

Hence Discounted payback period is 4.9343years

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