1) research a specific tumor a

1) research a specific tumor and explain how metastasis occursthrough the vascular system, lymphatic system, and implantation forthat particular tumor

2) Provide various serum sodium levels and glucose levels, andhave students practice determining blood osmolality and determiningwhether a water deficit or excess is present.



The characteristic of cancer cells is, uncontrolled celldivision and their rate of cell division are typically higher thanthe normal cells. If the cell division goes uncontrolled, the cellsize increases uncontrolled, develop new blood vessels and dragsnutrition from the surround tissues, this process is known as“angiogenesis.”

The process of invasion of cancer cells released from theprimary tumor into the other body organs (a secondary tumor)through the bloodstream is known as“metastasis.” Upon metastasis, themalignant cells spread to different tissues and collapse the totalsystem.

Basement membrane contains blood supply around them, so if thecancer cells pass through the basement membrane, they can enterinto the bloodstream, which is a key event in metastasis. Theepithelial cells (common sites of origin of cancer cells) areseparated from the other tissues by means of the basement membrane.The cancer cells release the metalloproteinases (MMPs), whichdigest the basement membrane and extracellular matrix and make thecancer cells to penetrate through the basement membrane. Then thecells invade the other organs to grow. For example, the tumors ofmammary glands spread in this way.

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