1. Studies show that patients

1. Studies show that patients who are more active in interactingwith physicians enjoy better health outcomes. True or False

2. Briefly describe the different types of tests that areavailable to screen for HIV infection, and the tests fordetermining the status of an infection in HIV-positive people. Whoshould be tested for HIV infection?

3. An adult would be diagnosed with hypertension beginning atwhat level of blood pressure or above? 160/100 • 100/70 • 130/80 •120/75

4>The American College of Cardiology/American HeartAssociation guidelines recommend that any adult aged 21 or overshould be treated for high cholesterol if his or her HDL levelis

190 mg/dl or greater.

• his or her LDL level is 190 mg/dl or greater.

• his or her LDL level is 250 mg/dl or greater.

• his or her HDL level is 50 mg/dl or lower.

5>Radon is Transient ischemic attacks can be cured with bedrest.

• are also known as “ministrokes.”

• usually occur after a major stroke.

• produce permanent paralysis.

6>Radon is a radioactive gas found in certain soils, rocks,and natural building materials. True or False

7>Following retirement, older couples may find that they needto become reacquainted with each other. T or F

8>Self-assessment of medical symptoms begins with

• observation of your own body.

• a phone call to your doctor.

• purchase of over-the-counter drugs.

• medical self-tests.

9>________ are the biggest energy consumers.


• Americans

• Europeans

• Russians

10>________ death occurs as a result of the depletion ofoxygen and glucose irreversibly shutting down metabolicprocesses.

• Biological

• Cellular

• Brain

• Clinical

11>Pertussis is another name for tetanus. T or F

12>A microorganism that causes disease is a(n)


• toxin.

• pathogen.

• antigen.

13>Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death inthe United States for people

85 and older.

• aged 50 to 55.

• under age 45.

• who are retired.

14>Which of the following statements about preventingpoisoning by gases is TRUE?

You should never operate a vehicle in an enclosed space.

• You should keep a window open in the house at all times.

• You should have your furnace inspected every five years.

• All answer choices are correct.

15>Reiki is an example of which of the following domains ofcomplementary and alternative medicine practice?

energy therapy

• mind-body intervention

• manipulative therapy

• biological-based therapy


1. Yes it’s true that patients who are more active ininteracting with physicians enjoy better health outcomes.

2. The following screening methods are used to detect HIVinfection –

  • Usually HIV antibody tests also known as ELISA is done in mostof the cases and it requires a blood sample treated withenzyme-linked assay treated with the lab virus and observed.
  • Rapid HIV Test is a fast screening method based on theprinciple of ELISA which can give result in 15-20 minutes.
  • Western blot is a kind of confirmation test if found positivein ELISA and rapid HIV test
  • HIV RNA tests are mostly performed on newly born infant fromHIV infected mothers.
  • HIV antibody-antigen test is known to be very effective as ithelps in detecting the HIV infection quite early.
  • In addition to these a nucleic acid test (NAT) is alsoperformed to check HIV and is consider to give a faster resultafter an exposure to infection

There are two types of blood tests which are done frequently tocheck the status of HIV infected person. One of the test counts thenumber of CD4 cells in the body, so as to assure the working of theimmune system and the other one measures the amount of virus in theblood.

All though everyone should go and get a check up for HIV butpeople at higher risk should give it a priority. The people athigher risk are the one who are very much sexually active, had sexwith multiple partners, had un protected sex, took used needles orhad a history of any other STD or TB or hepatitis.

3. An adult would be diagnosed with hypertension beginning at130/80 or above.

4. The American College of Cardiology/American Heart Associationguidelines recommend that any adult aged 21 or over should betreated for high cholesterol if his or her LDL level is 190 mg/dlor greater

5. Transient ischemic attacks can be cured with bed rest arealso known as “ministrokes” and usually there is no permanentdamage.

6. True. Radon is a radioactive gas without color or odor andare found in the natural decay of uranium and radium all rocks andsoils.

7. Following retirement, older couples may find that they needto become reacquainted with each other.

8.Self-assessment of medical symptoms begins with observation ofyour own body

9. China is the biggest consumer of energy in the world usingsome 3.3 million metric tons of oil each year.

10. Brain death occurs as a result of the depletion of oxygenand glucose irreversibly shutting down metabolic processes.

11. False, Pertussis is another name for whooping cough.

12. A microorganism that causes disease is a Pathogen.

13. Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death in theUnited States for people under the age of 45 mostly by roadaccidents.

14. All of the above.

15. Reiki is a Japanese energy healing therapy for reducingstress and relaxation.

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