1. The earnings of Best Foreca

1. The earnings of Best Forecasting Company are expected to growat an annual rate of 14% over the next 5 years and then slow to aconstant rate of 10% per year. Best currently pays a dividend of$0.36 per share. What is the value of Best stock to an investor whorequires a 16% rate of return? If stock has a market price of $15do you buy? Please include the excel formulas.


Current Dividend per shareD0=$0.36 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Future Dividend Values with 14% growthuto Yr 5 $     0.410 $      0.468 $     0.533 $     0.608 $         0.693
Yr 6 Dividend with 10%growth $     0.762
Termial Value of Dividends at Yr6=0.762(1+10%)/(16%-10%) $     13.97
Using Terminal Value formula=D0(1+g)/(k-g) , where D0 =yr 6 dividend, g=growth rate 10%, k=costof equity 16%
a Total Dividends and Terminal Valuesreceivable $     0.410 $      0.468 $     0.533 $     0.608 $         0.693 $   14.732
b PV factor at 16% requiredrate=1/1.16^n 0.862 0.743 0.641 0.552 0.476 0.41
c PV of all future dividends andterminal value =a*b= $     0.354 $      0.348 $     0.342 $     0.336 $         0.330 $     6.040
d Current Stcok value =Sum of ( c ) allPV of dividends & TV receivable $                 7.75
So the intrinsic value per share is $7.75
Market Price is $15 per share
As the Market Price is overvalued, I shall not buy theshare.

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