11. Drs. Trautwein and Ammerma

11. Drs. Trautwein and Ammerman are curious if receptivelanguage changed in the non-CI group (from the beginning to the endof the study).

What type of inferential test should be used to test thehypothesis? Why?

If they found significance, what would their conclusions be?

DEHS Data Set forAssessment Projects
INTD 5064 Applied Statisticsfor Health Care Practitioners
CI Subjects
Subject ID Group Gender Mode of Communication ESP-Pre TL-Pre AC-Pre EC-Pre ESP Post CLS-Post RLI-Post ELI-Post LCI-Post LSI-Post GF-Post
C01 1 1 1 1 86 89 95 3 95 96 99 90 88 101
C02 1 2 1 1 82 85 85 3 85 89 87 83 78 89
C03 1 1 1 1 85 78 80 3 90 92 88 88 84 85
C04 1 1 1 2 81 81 82 2 80 88 84 79 76 105
C05 1 2 1 1 92 95 100 4 100 100 95 98 104 82
C06 1 1 1 1 79 80 72 4 92 94 90 92 82 90
C07 1 1 1 1 78 80 74 3 84 88 79 86 80 80
C08 1 2 1 1 111 115 102 3 120 122 112 109 110 102
C09 1 1 1 2 87 89 79 4 88 92 87 87 82 82
C10 1 2 1 2 99 98 89 4 100 98 90 104 106 95
C11 1 1 1 1 67 69 68 3 79 84 82 70 78 77
C12 1 2 2 1 102 100 98 2 95 98 93 96 90 82
C13 1 1 2 1 74 74 70 2 70 72 70 71 68 74
C14 1 2 2 1 68 65 70 1 67 69 66 65 68 70
C15 1 1 2 1 95 90 101 2 90 92 88 85 95 87
C16 1 1 2 1 75 77 76 2 72 75 70 74 68 69
Non CI Subjects
Subject ID Group Gender Mode of Communication ESP-Pre TL-Pre AC-Pre EC-Pre ESP Post CLS-Post RLI-Post ELI-Post LCI-Post LSI-Post GF-Post
S01 2 2 2 1 95 89 100 2 93 89 85 100 92 82
S02 2 1 2 1 87 85 95 1 80 83 82 80 78 70
S03 2 2 2 2 76 78 80 1 78 72 70 77 80 65
S04 2 1 2 1 75 73 72 2 73 71 72 75 72 68
S05 2 1 2 1 79 78 80 1 80 70 72 85 81 63
S06 2 1 2 1 77 78 74 1 75 77 68 85 70 71
S07 2 1 2 1 78 80 72 2 72 75 70 72 69 60
S08 2 2 2 1 77 81 75 1 80 89 73 75 78 65
S09 2 1 2 1 87 88 84 1 80 84 80 75 80 68
S10 2 1 2 1 89 98 82 3 90 100 85 85 85 78
S11 2 2 2 1 90 94 92 1 85 90 82 79 87 72
S12 2 1 2 1 73 78 72 1 70 74 67 79 68 66
S13 2 2 2 1 74 74 75 1 70 72 69 67 75 67
S14 2 2 2 1 68 65 68 2 62 60 61 67 60 55
S15 2 1 2 1 75 74 72 1 71 77 67 75 71 70
S16 2 1 2 1 74 77 73 1 77 74 68 80 72 65


Drs. Trautwein and Ammerman are curious if receptive languagechanged in the non-CI group

To test the hypothesis that there is no difference in meansbetween receptive language index of CI groups and non CI groups,the t statistic for two independent sample is used. The RLI-Postscores for CI subjects and Non Ci subjects are compared using the tstatistic in excelby following these steps,

Step 1: Write the data values for RLI-Post scores in excel. Thescreenshot is shown below,

Step 2: DATA > Data Analysis > t-Test: Two-Sample AssumingEqual Variances > OK. The screenshot is shown below,

Step 3: Select Variable 1 Range: RLI-Post_CI column, Varianle 2Range: RLI-Post_Non CI column, Input Hypothesized Mean Difference =0 and Alpha = 0.05. the screenshot is shown below,

The result is obtained. the screesnshot is shown below,

From the result summary the P-value for the two tailed t testis,

The p-value is less than 0.05 at 5% significance level. Thenulll hypothesis is rejected hence we can state that there is asignificant difference between two Respective language index for Ciand Non Ci subjects.

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