3.2. A Trent Honour’s Thesis s

3.2. A Trent Honour’s Thesis student is doing a projectexamining the health of a native brook trout population in ColdCreek. He has collected length, weight and girth measurements onseveral hundred fish but only determined the fat content in 40 ofthe fish. He wants to use the girth and fat content data from the40 fish to be able to predict the fat content of the other fish. Hehas asked you to help him construct this predictive model.

Girth (mm) Fat Content (%)
90 7.2
90 8.5
87 7.8
85 7.5
84 8.9
81 8.7
76 7.6
75 6.2
75 8.2
70 6.9
70 7.7
69 7.6
67 8.6
62 5.6
61 5.3
60 6.7
59 7.1
56 8.0
53 6.1
52 4.4
51 5.2
50 6.5
50 7.1
48 3.8
46 5.5
43 7.8
41 6.0
37 6.8
36 5.1
36 3.9
33 2.6
31 5.4
29 4.1
29 4.8
27 2.2
22 4.7
22 6.4
21 2.7
20 2.9
20 3.0

A). Create a well labelled xy scatter plot on the spreadsheetpage with the data; make note of the general pattern of the plotteddata and whether there are any suspect data points.

B). Use the advanced regression analysis tool to conduct acomplete simple linear regression analysis for the data. You willnot require the options for “residuals” for this analysis. Rememberto complete the five steps of hypothesis testing in the spacesprovided on the worksheet.

C). Use the linear regression equation determined in part “B” tocalculate a set of “predicted y values” for each observed xvalue.

D). Add this set of predicted y values (from part C) to thescatter plot created previously – be sure to show this new set ofvalues as a “line” rather than as a set of “markers”.

**please be sure to show all work and each of the steps for thehypothesis test so that I can learn and understand**





Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.7782
R Square 0.6056
Adjusted R Square 0.5953
Standard Error 1.1936
Observations 40
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 83.14 83.14 58.36 0.0000
Residual 38 54.14 1.42
Total 39 137.28
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value lower 95% upper 95%
Intercept 2.4787 0.501 4.943 0.0000 1.4636 3.49
X 0.067 0.009 7.639 0.0000 0.0494 0.0849

Ho:   β1=   0H1:   β1╪   0n=   40  alpha =   0.05  estimated std error of slope =Se(ß1) = Se/√Sxx =   1.1936/√18439.1=   0.0088t stat = estimated slope/std error =ß1 /Se(ß1) =   (0.0671-0)/0.0088=   7.64Degree of freedom ,df = n-2=   38        p-value =    0.0000  decison :    p-value<α , reject Ho  Conclusion:   Reject Ho and conclude that slope issignificantly different from zero  



x y
90 7.2 8.52
90 8.5 8.52
87 7.8 8.32
85 7.5 8.19
84 8.9 8.12
81 8.7 7.92
76 7.6 7.58
75 6.2 7.51
75 8.2 7.51
70 6.9 7.18
70 7.7 7.1791
69 7.6 7.1120
67 8.6 6.977657
62 5.6 6.641912
61 5.3 6.574763
60 6.7 6.507615
59 7.1 6.440466
56 8 6.239019
53 6.1 6.037572
52 4.4 5.970423
51 5.2 5.903275
50 6.5 5.836126
50 7.1 5.836126
48 3.8 5.701828
46 5.5 5.56753
43 7.8 5.366083
41 6 5.231786
37 6.8 4.96319
36 5.1 4.896041
36 3.9 4.896041
33 2.6 4.694595
31 5.4 4.560297
29 4.1 4.425999
29 4.8 4.425999
27 2.2 4.291701
22 4.7 3.955957
22 6.4 3.955957
21 2.7 3.888808
20 2.9 3.821659
20 3 3.821659


Please let me know in case of any doubt.

Thanks in advance!

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