4. A project with fixed costs

4. A project with fixed costs of 320,000 and operating cash flowof 160,000 was expected to sell 11,000 units.  The finalresults for the year were that 9,800 units were sold instead.

What is the degree of operating leverage? __________________

What is the percentage change in quantity? _________________

What is the percentage change in operating cash flow?________________

What would the operating cash flow be under the actual level ofproduction? __________________

7.  Colby is in the furniture movingbusiness.  He has some equipment that he purchased newtwo years ago for $6,000.  At the time, Colby’saccountant told him to depreciate it straight line over threeyears.  Now there is better equipment out there and hewants to get rid of his old machine, but he can get only $700 forit.  Colby is in the 35% tax bracket.

What is the book value of the old machine? __________

What is the market value of the old machine? _________

Will Colby have a gain or loss? _____________

How much will his gain or loss be? ____________

What will be the tax effect (amount)? ____________

What is the after tax salvage value of the old machine?_______________

8.   A certain asset was purchased at a cost of$1,140,000.  This company is in the 35% taxbracket.  Complete the lines below:

Year           MACRS%      Amount ofDep        Amount ofDep                 Difference                           TaxEffect

underMACRS         understraight line

1           .3333                      ______________           ________________                     

2           .4444                      ______________           ________________          ______________           ______________

3           .1482                      ______________           ________________                     

4           .0741                      ______________

9.  Frugal Company is considering two machines forpurchase.  The machine is integral to their business, sowhen it wears out, it will be replaced with a similarmachine.  The company uses a discount rate of 9% fortheir investments.  Compute the equivalent annual cost ofeach machine.

                                            MachineA                                 MachineB

Initialcost                                 219,000                                 188,000

UsefulLife                                 14years                                 13years

Annualmaintenance           1,500peryear                      2,000per year

EAC of A _____________   EAC of B______________  Which should Frugal choose?______________

                                                                                                                                            Aor B


4. Operating leverage= Contribution/(Contribution-FixedCost)=4,80,000/(4,80,000-3,20,000)=3 times

Percentage change in quantity=(11,000-9,800)/11,000=0.1091 or10.91%

Percentage change in operating cashflow=(1,60,000-1,07,636)/1,60,000=0.3273 or 32.73%

Operating cash flow for 9,800units=4,80,000*9,800/11,000-3,20,000=$1,07,636

7. Book value of old machine= 6,000(1-2/3)=$2,000

Market value of old machine= $700

Colby will have a loss since market value isless than book value.

Capital loss=$(2,000-700)=$1,300

Tax savings on capital loss=$1,300*35%=$455

After tax salvage value of old machine= $(700+455)=$1,155

8. Because of not having knowledge about MACRS system ofdepreciation I am unable to answer this question.

9. For Machine A, annual maintenance=$1,500 per year havinguseful life of 14 years

Initial investment=$2,19,000


Equivalent initial investment=$2,19,000/7.7862=$28,126.69

EAC of A= $(1,500+28,126.69)=$29,626.69

For Machine B, annual maintenance=$2,000 per year having usefullife of 13 years

Initial investment=$1,88,000


Equivalent initial investment=$1,88,000/7.4869=$25,110.53

EAC of B= $(2,000+25,110.53)=$27,110.53

Thus Frugal should choose Machine B.

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