4. Joe Levi bought a home in A

4. Joe Levi bought a home in Arlington, Texas, for $127,000. Heput down 25% and obtained a mortgage for 30 years at 8.00%. What isthe difference in interest cost if he had obtained a mortgage rateof 6.00%? (Use Table 15.1.) (Use 360 days a year. Round yourintermediate values and final answer to the nearest cent.)Difference $


Step-1: Calculation of Interest costs at 8%
a. Monthly Payment $          699.18
i. Present Value of annuity of 1 = (1-(1+i)^-n)/i Where,
= (1-(1+0.00667)^-360)/0.00667 i 8%/12 =    0.00667
=          136.2317 n 30*12 = 360
ii. Cost of house $       1,27,000
Down Payment $          31,750
Mortgage amount $          95,250
iii. Monthly Payment = Mortgage Amount/Present value of annuity of 1
= $          95,250 / 136.2317
= $          699.18
b. Total Interest costs $ 1,56,453.50
Total Payment = $          699.18 x 360 = $ 2,51,703.50
Mortagage Amount $          95,250
Total Interest Costs $ 1,56,453.50
Step-2: Calculation of Interest costs at 6%
a. Monthly Payment $          571.07
i. Present Value of annuity of 1 = (1-(1+i)^-n)/i Where,
= (1-(1+0.005)^-360)/0.005 i 6%/12 = 0.005
=          166.7916 n 30*12 = 360
ii. Cost of house $       1,27,000
Down Payment $          31,750
Mortgage amount $          95,250
iii. Monthly Payment = Mortgage Amount/Present value of annuity of 1
= $          95,250 / 166.7916
= $          571.07
b. Total Interest costs $ 1,10,335.88
Total Payment = $          571.07 x 360 = $ 2,05,585.88
Mortagage Amount $          95,250
Total Interest Costs $ 1,10,335.88
Step-3:Calculate difference in Interest Costs
Interest Costs at 8% $ 1,56,453.50
Interest Costs at 6% $ 1,10,335.88
Difference in interest costs $     46,117.62

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