5. How is Payment made for n
5. How is Payment made for nonparticipatingproviders ?
16. What are the criteria to be eligible for Tricareprime remote ?Tricare program 2. What was the name of theprevious program ?
5.Non participating providers accept medical Care but do notagree to take assignment in all cases.Non participating providershave signed up to accept medicare insurance,they do not acceptMedicare’s approved amount for health services as full payment.Payments mode : The non participate providers may receivereimbursement for rendered services directly from their medicarepatients.They submit bill to medicare so they beneficiary may bereimbursed for the portion of the charges for which Medicare isresponsible.The amount payed by the beneficiary must be report inItem 29 of the CMS 1500 claim form
16.Eligibility criteria for Tricare prime remote: Tricare primeremote is a managed Care option available in remote areas in theUnited States * Tricare prime remote applicable in designatedremote locations in the united states. *Active duty service membersare eligible . * Members with Activated duty services for more than30 days are eligible for this . * Active duty service membersfamily members are eligible when they are living with the sponsorto enroll. * Family members of activated/Reserve members may enrollif they live in a designated remote locations when the sponsor isactivated.
Tricare formerly known as The Civilian health and medicalprogram of the Uninformed services. It is The civilian Carecomponent of the military system ,and included health caredelivered in military medical treatment facilities.and it ismanaged by Defense Health agency.
2.Other name for Tricare program /Previous program is Thecivilian Health and Medical program of the Uniformed services.