6) Define the following terms

6) Define the following terms and provide three examples of


primary aging

changes and

secondary aging

changes. Define

tertiary aging


7) Compare and contrast a cross-sectional design and alongitudinal design. What are the advantages

and limitations of each for determining aging effects? Beprepared to draw a diagram of an example of

each design.



Primary aging:

Primary aging is gradual and it is an innate maturationalprocess.

It is an inevitable process.Here the changing process to thebody can takes place throughout the life.

Due to the primary aging process there is a fading ofvision,impaired hearing,decrease resistance to infections,greyingof hair,slowing of body movements,wrinkling of skin,decreasedability to adapt to the stress.

Secondary aging:

Is an aging process result from disease and unhealthy life styleand practices such as unhealthy eating habits,lack ofexercise,alcohol and smoking and lack of sleep.Because of followingthese unhealthy life styles and practices they easy fall up in tocertain chronic disease such as Hypertension,diabetes and othercoronory disease.This is otherwise called as premature aging

Tertiary aging:

Tertiary aging is otherwise called as mortality related aging.Itrefers to the cognitive,physical and behavioural deterioration of aperson with impending death.These process is not related to the agebut related to the impending death.These changes shows by a personshort time just before death.


In the Cross-sectional design is otherwise called asobservational research,the fresh sample of people are taken for thestudy

In the longitudinal study,the same study and sample of peopleovertime

In the cross sectional study the data collected by observingmany subjects at the same point of time.

In the cross sectional study the data analyzed at one givenpoint of time across a sample population

In the longitudinal study,the researchers conduct the samesubjects over a period of time,sometimes it may last for manyyears.

The limitations for the cross-sectional design for determiningaging effects,the data for analysis is taken from only therepresentative of the population

The limitations for longitudinal study for determining agingeffects require a long time,

  • it requires a large sample size
  • There may be a chance of mortality to some samples overtime
  • Huge amount of money is required for this study

Cross-Sectional Design

Longitudinal Design

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