A 12-month email study looked

The situation…

• A 12-month email study looked at the click-through responsestriggered by two versions of email, Version A and Version B.

• In all 24 distributions (12 for Version A; 12, Version B)emails were drawn randomly.

• People receiving A or B versions were unrelated (randomlyselected every time for both version of the email).

• The researchers had no idea which version would trigger moreclicks.

• Alpha was set at p <.05.

MONTH Group A Group B
January 36 36
February 35 25
March 24 29
April 23 37
May 29 37
June 12 23
July 18 27
August 12 21
September 14 24
October 24 33
November 25 32
December 33 40
   t test
   Effect Size


MONTH Group A Group B
January 36 36
February 35 25
March 24 29
April 23 37
May 29 37
June 12 23
July 18 27
August 12 21
September 14 24
October 24 33
November 25 32
December 33 40
Mean 23.75 30.33333
StandardDeviation 8.508018 6.372288

Two sample ttest is used to compare the means assumingequal variance. The test is performed in followingsteps,

Step 1: The Null and Alternative Hypotheses

Step 2: Select the appropriate test statistic and level ofsignificance.

The t statistic is used to compare the two populationmeans and the significance level is for the test (Generally 5% significance level used to compare two means)

Step 3: State the decision rules.

The decision rules state the conditions that if,


Step 4: Compute the appropriate test statistic and make thedecision.

The t statistic is used to compare the two populationmeans. The t statistic is computed using the formula,

The P-value for the t statistic is obtained using the tdistribution table for degree of freedom = n -1 = 24 -1 = 23,


The corresponding P-value is 0.06 which is less than 0.05 at the5% significance level for the two sided alternative hypothesis.

Step 5: State the Conclusion

The null hypothesis is rejected. Hencethere is a statistically significant evidence that the Group 1 hasless click-through responses ( t value is negative)

The effect size is obtained by using the formula,

Cohen’s d value, d=0.2 considered a ‘small’effect size, 0.5 represents a ‘medium’effect sizeand 0.8 a ‘large’ effectsize

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