A company would like to estima

A company would like to estimate its total cost equation. It hascollected 48 months of monthly production output and correspondingtotal production costs. The collected data is in the fileProduction Cost Data Only.xlsx. Recallthat

TOTAL COST = Fixed Costs + Variable Cost per Unit *Output.

Use the data to estimate a function that describes total costfor this company. (Round answers to 2 decimal places)

  1. State the estimated total cost function.
  2. What is the estimated Fixed Cost for the Company? Remember thefixed costs is independent of output. You can estimate it as theTotal Cost when output is “0”.
  3. What is the estimated average unit variable cost for theCompany?
  4. Develop a 95% confidence interval for the true average unitvariable cost.
  5. What percent of the variation in monthly total costs is“explained” by the regression model with monthly production outputas the explanatory variable?
  6. Suppose the plant manager is interested in estimating themean total costs for several months whereoutput is 30,000 units (i.e., Xp = 30) each month. Develop a 95%confidence interval for the mean total costs for months thataverage 30,000 units of output.
Monthly Output (in thousands of units) Monthly Total Production Cost (in thousand $)
47 926
45 888
42 841
43 888
42 863
42 898
41 885
48 911
41 812
40 837
39 845
39 856
40 858
38 852
39 877
39 926
37 915
37 841
37 812
37 833
36 822
38 809
37 769
38 783
41 745
38 716
39 656
39 620
37 616
35 771
34 754
34 703
32 667
31 643
28 540
25 502
20 436
17 380
14 314
13 294
10 290
10 190
9 203
8 176
8 192
6 149
5 114
4 126



in excel install analysis tool pak and then go to

data >data analysis>regression

you willl get

Regression Statistics
MultipleR 0.970684
RSquare 0.942227
AdjustedR Square 0.940971
StandardError 64.2522
Observations 48
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 3097160 3097160 750.2182 3.98E-30
Residual 46 189903.9 4128.346
Total 47 3287064
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 38.24585 24.28492 1.574881 0.122137 -10.6372 87.12887 -10.6372 87.12887
nthly Output (in thousands of units) 19.68526 0.718699 27.39011 3.98E-30 18.23859 21.13192 18.23859 21.13192
  1. State the estimated total cost function.

Monthly Total Production Cost=38.25+19.69*monthly Output


What is the estimated Fixed Cost for the Company

=y intercept=38.25



the estimated average unit variable cost for theCompany=slope=



a 95% confidence interval for the true average unit variablecost.

lies in between 18.23859 and 21.13192

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