A female patient diagnosed wit

A female patient diagnosed with active tuberculosis wants to bedischarged from the hospital after receiving one week of therequired multiple drug regimen. Her condition has been improvingand she is considered medically stable. The patient, her husband,and children recently immigrated to the United States fromBangladesh. They have no family or friends to assist them. Herhusband recently started a job and needs her to come home to carefor their 4-year-old twin boys or he will be fired.  

Craft an initial post that addresses:

What ethical concerns should the nurse consider?What interventions need to be in place prior to discharge toprevent transmission of tuberculosis to her family and thepublic?Provide a detailed education plan for discharge.



ANSWER: If the patient request to discharge without advice bythe consult doctor then the nurse should consider ethical principleof autonomy and Leave against medical advice consent form.Principle of autonomy means the patient have the right to take herown decision regarding the treatment. The health care provider alsoshould respect the decision. But in this situation, the nurseshould take signature of the patient in the leaving against medicaladvice form. It is because as the discharge will be done base onthe request by the patient, anything happen to the patient afterdischarge, it will be responsible by the patient self.


ANSWER: The intervention to be place prior to the discharge toprevent spreading of infection is health education regarding

1. Isolation: The patient should be isolated in her own room andnot allow to contact with the low immunity people like old age andchildren. Advice to minimize the contact with her child as much aspossible to prevent infection.

2. Treatment: The patient should complete the course oftreatment which is advice by the doctor. Educate regarding thetiming to consume the medication. Advice not to miss any dose. Ifmiss the dose then it will not cure the disease instead it willmake resistance of the organism to the drug.

3. Use of Personal protective measure: Before entering the roomof the patient, all should use face mask and enter the room toprevent spreading. The patient also should use face mask most ofthe time to prevent spreading while coughing, sneezing,etc.

4. Handwashing: Proper handwashing should be done before andafter touching the patient.

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