A public library wants to dete

A public library wants to determine the research needs ofchildren and adults who access the reference section. You will usestratified sampling.

1. Define the population.

2. Define the sample frame.

3. Explain how you would select the sample.

4. Explain how you would gather the data.


1. Population:- all children and adults who access the referencesection

2. Sampling Frame- A sampling frame is a listof the items of the population from which a sample is to beobtained.

So here  list of people who visits the library becomethe sampling frame.

This list may contain senior citizens and youth also. These arenot eligible items for being members of the population. They needto removed before a sample is made.

The sampling frame may not contain all thechildren and adults who access reference section as this listscontains only those people who visits library. In that case, someeligible items of the population are left out from sampling.

3.Seven steps to create stratified sample are:-

(a) defining the population;

(b) choosing the relevant stratification;

(c) listing the population;

(d) listing the population according to the chosenstratification;

(e) choosing your sample size;

(f) calculating a proportionate stratification;

(g) using a simple random or systematic sample to select yoursample.

So here sample can be selected randomly from the list or samplecan be selected in a systematic way such as every 3rd person(say)from the list can be questioned.

4. data can be gathered in following ways:-

  • Direct Observation
  • Experiments,
  • Surveys.

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