A solid mixture consists of 39

A solid mixture consists of 39.1 g of KNO3 (potassium nitrate)and 6.9 g of K2SO4 (potassium sulfate). The mixture is added to130. g of water.

A. Consider the mixture described in the introduction. At 60 ∘C, to what extent will each solute be dissolved?​ (Totallydissolved, partially dissolved, not dissolved)

B. ​If the solution is cooled to 0 degrees Celsius, what mass,in grams, would KNO3 crystallize?


initially solid mixture has

mass of KNO3 = 39.1 g

mass of K2SO4 = 6.9 g

total mixture added to 130 g of water

from the graph , solubility of K2SO4 in water at 60oC is = (18 /100 ) x 130

                                                                                      = 23.4 g K2SO4

23.4 g K2SO4 > 6.9 g of K2SO4.

so total K2SO4 is completely dissolved

from the graph , solubility of KNO3 in water at 60oC is = (50 /100 ) x 130

                                                                                      = 65 g KNO3

65 g KNO3 > 39.1 g of KNO3.

so total KNO3 is completely dissolved


from the graph , solubility of KNO3 in water at 0oC is = (15 /100) x 130

                                                                                   = 19.5 g KNO3

we have 39.1 g KNO3 . but soluble is 19.5 g KNO3. so remainingwill form crystalls

mass of KNO3 crystallized = 39.1 – 19.5 = 19.6 gKNO3

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