A square loop of wired with si

A square loop of wired with side length 2 cm is in the plane ofthe page. At time t= 0, a 9 T magnetic field is directed into thepage. The field changes to 4 T directed into the page in 0.25seconds.

What is the magnetic flux through the loop of wire at time, t =0? What is the magnetic flux through the loop of wire 0.25 secondslater?What is the emf induced in the loop of wire during thistime?If the resistance in the loop is 0.02 Ω, what is the inducedcurrent in the wire?Does the induced current in the wire flowclockwise or counterclockwise?


a) The magnetic flux through the loop at t = 0 sec is:

where, B is the magnetic field

A is the area of the loop

b) The magnetic flux through the loop at t = 0.25 sec is:

where, B is the magnetic field

A is the area of the loop

c) The emf induced in the loop can be given by Faraday’s lawas:

d) The induced current in the loop can be given by Ohm’slaw:

e) Since the magnetic flux through the loop is decreasing, thedirection of induced current will be such that it will enhance thedecreasing magnetic flux. To enhance the decreasing magnetic fluxthe current in the loop should flow in a clockwise direction.


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