A star can be described as a l

A star can be described as a large, hot ball of gas of enormousmass. What keeps this enormous mass from collapsing under its ownweight? Identify the forces on the gas that combine to keep it inplace and discuss why this delicate balance of forces isstable.


Hey there!

We all know the story of stars. They are enormous, humongousball of gas, fire and dust. They are in their places without acollapse for millions of years. So how does this happen? What makesit stable?

Well, it all depends on the gravity , pressure , densityand the temperature of the star. The star’s deep mostlayer like the earth’s core, has to take in all the force ofgravity from the surface layer of the star. The surface layerpushes all the weight towards the center (the weight of the gas)and the inner core pushes them outward just because of the gaspressure. So this forms an equilibrium between the inwardgravity and the outward gas pressure, thus maintaining the star atan equilibrium position. This equilibrium is said to beHydrostaticequilibrium.

Just like the same it is important for the star to maintain, thedensity, temperature and pressure. In the outermost surface, youwould know naturally that the pressure would be less towards thecenter and increases as we move to the core. Hence the temperatureand the density also increases as we move to the core. This balanceis been maintained by the core when it supports it’s own weightthrough high density , temperature and pressure to maintain andsupport the outer layer’s weight. The core takes all the pressureto make the star in equilibrium position.The balance between thelayers through these properties makes the star in the equilibriumposition.

This equilibrium through these properties of pressure,temperature and density can only be maintained until thestar has it’s own fuel, that is until the nuclear reactions takeplace. Nuclear reactions in the star starts to lessen it’spower as the Hydrogen runs out, all other properties also fadesaway, thus the burning hydrogen in the core wouldn’t be havingenough temperature, pressure and density to make an equilibriumwith the force of gravity from the outer surface.

I hope the explanation helps… Feel free to comment anddiscuss further… Cheers 🙂

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