A study compared the relative

A study compared the relative frequency of mental healthproblems of various types among U.S. Army members before deploymentto Iraq, U.S. Army members after serving in Iraq, U.S. Army membersafter serving in Afghanistan, and U.S. Marines after serving inIraq. The study stated, “Potential differences in demographicfactors among the four study groups were controlled for in ouranalysis with the use of logistic regression.” For this study,identify the response variable, the primary explanatory variable,and likely control variables.

Response: Mental health problems; explanatory: deployment(yes/no); control: branch of military, country of service

Response: Deployment (yes/no); explanatory: before/afterdeployment; control: branch of military, country of service, mentalhealth

Response: Four study groups; explanatory: mental health;control: branch of military, country of service

Response: Mental health problems (yes/no); explanatory:before/after deployment; control: branch of military, country ofservice


Here, a study was conducted to make comparison ofrelative frequency of mental health problems of various types amongthe four different groups::– U.S. Army members before deploymentto Iraq, U.S. Army members after serving in Iraq, U.S. Army membersafter serving in Afghanistan, and U.S. Marines after serving inIraq.

The study stated, “Potential differences in demographicfactors among the four study groups were controlled for in ouranalysis with the use of logistic regression.”


    Control Variables will be :- Branchof military and Country of service [ branching and country ofservice can be controlled by authority] which are assumed to beconstant or unchanged during our experimental study and these mayor may not have effect on Mental Health Problems.

For the Analysis it was said to use Logistic Regressionand for that the response variable must be Binary variable ordichotomous variable. Here as per our target the obvious choice forresponse variable is:- Mental Health Problems (Yes/No) [ If yesthen assign 1 , otherwise for no assign zero] and the responsevariable is dependent on the explanatory variable.

The explanatory variable is Before/After Deployment andit’s independent in nature on which the mental health problemsdepend.

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