A study is being made on Bacte

A study is being made on Bacterial levels in Milk. We have 5shipments of milk and take 6 cartons at random from each shipmentto measure the bacteria from. All milk comes from the same factory.Nothing in the milk is being changed from shipment to shipment.

Results being:

Ship1 = 22,33,12,35,12,6

Ship2 = 1,2,3,4,5,6

Ship3 = 44,66,11,23,14,25

Ship4 = 10, 50 20,15,7,7

Ship5 = 5,6 ,10,22,4,6

In this scenario, what are the dependent and Independentvariables? Note: there could be no independent variable


Independent variable is the variable that is changed by theinvestigator to investigate the effect on the dependent variable.The reaction observed is the dependent variable.

In this experiment, the random selection of 6 cartons in each ofthe 5 shipments tested by the researcher is the possibleindependent variable. However, only randomness of picking thesamples is varied. The type of milk or number of cartons from eachshipment is not changed. Hence, independent variable is not reallychanged or is nor present. It is just random selection by theinvestigator.

The dependent variable is the number of bacteria seen in eachcarton of the shipments, which is the result of the experiment.

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