Abortion is one of the most di
Abortion is one of the most difficult and controversial moralissues we will consider. Listen to both sides, even if it isdifficult to do. Both sides have important moral insights, even ifultimately these insights are outweighed by the insights of theother side. The goal of this discussion is not to convince you toaccept one position over the other, but to help you to understandboth sides. As you consider this difficult issue, it is importantto distinguish two questions: Is abortion morally wrong? Use RULEUTILITARIANISM to argue both sides with supporting evidence.
Answer: Before starting we should first know what isabortion?
Abortion is the ending of pregnancy due to removing an embryo orfetus before it can survive outside the uterus. Some people thinkthat abortion is always wrong. Some think that abortion is rightwhen the mother’s life is at risk. Others think that there is arange of circumstances in which abortion is morally acceptable.
At various times some of the following have been allowed in somesocieties:
- abortion for the sake of the mother’s health (including hermental health)
- abortion where a pregnancy is the result of a crime (such ascrimes like rape, incest, or child abuse)
- abortion where the child of the pregnancy would have an ‘unacceptable quality of life’ such as cases where the child wouldhave(serious physical handicaps).
For this reason, abortion is not a problem because it involvesthe health issue of the mother as well as a child. In somecountries, particularly India there is a major problem with femalefoeticide – deliberately aborting foetuses that would be born asgirls.
For sociological and economic reasons parents in some culturesprefer to have boy babies. When parents can discover the gender ofthe foetus in advance, they sometimes request the termination of apregnancy solely because the foetus is female.These kinds ofabortion should be banned and a strict action should be takenregarding this.