Activities where a county hold
Activities where a county holds resources in a trust orcustodial capacity for entities or individuals outside the countyare categorized as:
A. |
Business activities |
B. |
Governmental activities |
C. |
Proprietary activities |
D. |
Fiduciary activities |
Correct Answer:
Option(D) or Fiduciary activities is the correct answerbecause Fiduciary activities where the country holds resources in atrust or custodial capacity for entities or individuals outside thecounty. The government is taking care the money of entities orindividual outside the Country.
Incorrect Answers:
Option(A) or Business activities is incorrect answer becausethese activities are retaliated to working and operating of thebusiness and not related to the taking care the money of entitiesor individual outside the Country.
Option(B) or Business activities is incorrect answer becausethese activities include the general administration, education,public utility services, development of basic infrastructures andnot related of holding resources or money of entities orindividuals outside the countries.
Option(C) or Proprietary activities is incorrect answer becausethese activities includes individual or sole trading concern typeof activizes not related of taking care of money of entities orindividuals outside the country.
So correct answers is option(D)