All cells must transcribe rRNA

All cells must transcribe rRNA in order to construct afunctioning ribosome. Scientists have isolated and identifiedrRNA  genes that contribute to ribosomal structure forboth prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Figure 1 compares thetranscription and processing of prokaryotic andeukaryotic  rRNA.

The figure presents a diagram with two halves that together compare Prokaryotic with Eukaryotic r R N A processing. Each half of the diagram has 2 rows; row 1 is labeled Pre r R N A, and row 2 is labeled Mature r R N A. For each type of organism, Row 1 consists of a rectangle that is divided into alternating white and shaded segments. For the Prokaryotic half of the diagram, the pre r R N A rectangle consists of a white segment, followed by a shaded segment labeled 16 S, followed by a white segment, followed by a shaded segment labeled 23 S, followed by a white segment, followed by a shaded segment labeled 5 S, followed by a white segment. An arrow labeled r R N A Processing points from the pre r R N A to three individual shaded segments of mature r R N A that are labeled 16 S, 23 S, and 5 S. For the Eukaryotic half of the diagram, the pre r R N A rectangle consists of a white segment, followed by a shaded segment labeled 18 S, followed by a white segment, followed by a shaded segment labeled 5.8 S, followed by a white segment, followed by a shaded segment labeled 28 S, followed by a white segment. An arrow labeled r R N A Processing points from the pre r R N A to three individual shaded segments of mature r R N A that are labeled 18 S, 5.8 S, and 23 S.

Figure 1. Comparison of rRNA processing in prokaryotes andeukaryotes

Which of the following statements provides the best explanationof the processes illustrated in Figure 1 ?

  • Introns are removed from the pre-rRNA, and the mature rRNAmolecules are joined and then translated to produce the proteinportion of the ribosome.


  • Introns are removed from the pre-rRNA, and each mature rRNAmolecule is translated to produce the proteins that make up theribosomal subunits.


  • Sections of the pre-rRNA are removed, and the mature rRNAmolecules are available to combine with proteins to form theribosomal subunits.


  • Sections of the pre-rRNA are removed, and the mature rRNAmolecules are available to bring different amino acids to theribosome.


Correct Option C

Sections of the pre-rRNA are removed, and the mature rRNAmolecules are available to combine with proteins to form theribosomal subunits.


The rRNAs are structural molecules that have role in proteinsynthesis; however, the rRNA are not themselves translated. Ineukaryotes, pre-rRNAs are transcribed, processed, and assembledinto ribosomes in the nucleolus.

The eukaryotic ribosome is composed of two subunits: a largesubunit (60S) and a small subunit (40S). The 60S subunit iscomposed of the 28S rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, 5S rRNA, and 50 proteins. The40S subunit is composed of the 18S rRNA and 33 proteins. Thebacterial ribosome is composed of two similar subunits, withslightly different components.

The bacterial large subunit is called the 50S subunit and iscomposed of the 23S rRNA, 5S rRNA, and 31 proteins, while thebacterial small subunit is called the 30S subunit and is composedof the 16S rRNA and 21 proteins.

The two subunits join to constitute a functioning ribosome thatis capable of creating proteins.

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