Altoona Technologies, Inc. has

Altoona Technologies, Inc. has three divisions. Altoona has adesired rate of return of 11.0 percent. The operating assets andincome for each division are as follows:

Divisions Operating Assets Operating Income
Printer $ 740,000 $ 115,440
Copier 1,010,000 101,000
Fax 560,000 72,800
Total $ 2,310,000 $ 289,240

Altoona headquarters has $140,000 of additional cash to investin one of its divisions. The division managers have identifiedinvestment opportunities that are expected to yield the followingROIs:

Expected ROIs for
Divisions Additional Investments
Printer 12.5 %
Copier 11.5 %
Fax 10.5 %


  1. g. Calculate the residual income:

  1. (1) At the corporate (headquarters) level before the additionalinvestment.

  2. (2) At the division level before the additional investment.

  3. (3) At the investment level.

  4. (4) At the division level after the additional investment.



1) Residual income at corporate level beforeInvestment


Total Operating Assets = $2,310,000

Total Operating Income = $ 289,240

Rate of Return = 11%

Residual income at corporate level before Investment = Totaloperating Income – Total operating assets * rate of return

= 289240 – 2310000*11/100

= $35,140

2) Residual income At the division level before theadditional investment:

Divisions Operating Assets($) Operating Income($) Calculation ResidualIncome($)
Printer 740,000 115,440 =115440-740000*11% 34,040
Copier 1,010,000 101,000 =101000-1010000*11% -10,100
Fax 560,000 72,800 =72800-560000*11% 11,200

3) Residual income At the investment level:

Divisions Calculation Residualincome($)
Printer =(12.5%-11%)*140000 2,100
Copier =(11.5%-11%)*140000 700
Fax =(10.5%-11%)*140000 -700

4) Residual income At the division level after theadditional investment:

Residual income At the division level after the additionalinvestment = Residual income At the division levelbefore the additional investment + Residual incomeAt the investment level

Divisions Calculation Residual income($)
Printer =34040+2100 36,140
Copier =-10100+700 -9,400
Fax =11200-700 10,500

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