An aliquot containing 0.000469

An aliquot containing 0.0004693 moles of Ca2+ istitrated to the Eriochrome Black T end point. A blank containing asmall amount of measured Mg2+requires 2.91 mL of EDTA toreach the end point. The aliquot to which the same amount ofMg2+ is added requires 25.59 mL of EDTA solution toreach the end point. What is the molarity of the EDTA solution?Express as a decimal number, not an exponent.


Ca2+ ion and EDTA reacts 1:1 mole ratio.

So, the number of moles of EDTA required to titrate 0.0004693moles of Ca2+ is 0.0004693 moles.

mL of EDTA consumed for Ca2+ ion = mL EDTA needed forsample – mL EDTA consumed for blank

                                                          = 25.59 mL – 2.91 mL

                                                          = 22.68 mL

Since 1 L = 1000 mL, 22.68 mL = 0.02268 L.

Molarity of EDTA = moles of EDTA/volume of EDTA = 0.0004693mol/0.02268 L = 0.02069 mol/L = 0.02069 M.

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