Analyzing Cash Dividends on Pr

Analyzing Cash Dividends on Preferred and Common StockEverett Company has outstanding 30,000 shares of $50 par value, 6%preferred stock and 70,000 shares of $1 par value common stock.During its first three years in business, it declared and paid nocash dividends in the first year, $310,000 in the second year, and$90,000 in the third year.(a) If the preferred stock is cumulative, determine the totalamount of cash dividends paid to each class of stock in each of thethree years.

Distibution to
Preferred Common
Year 1 $Answer $Answer
Year 2 $Answer $Answer
Year 3 $Answer $Answer

(b) If the preferred stock is noncumulative, determine the totalamount of cash dividends paid to each class of stock in each of thethree years.

Distibution to
Preferred Common
Year 1 $Answer $Answer
Year 2 $Answer $Answer
Year 3 $Answer $Answer


a) if preferred stock iscumulative
Statementshowing Computations
Paticulars Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Total Dividend Paid                             –            310,000.00            90,000.00
Preference Dividend to be paid= 30,000*50*6%              90,000.00            90,000.00            90,000.00
Preference Dividend Paid = Existing +arrears                             –            180,000.00            90,000.00
Dividend available for common stock                             –            130,000.00                            –  
Arrears of preference Dividend              90,000.00                            –                              –  
b) preferred stock is non cumulative
Paticulars Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Total Dividend Paid                             –            310,000.00            90,000.00
Preference Dividend Paid = Existing +arrears                             –              90,000.00            90,000.00
Dividend available for common stock                             –            220,000.00                            –  

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