As part of the requirements by

As part of the requirements by the university for anacademic degree, final year studentsare required to undertake a research and write a report called adissertation. Unfortunately,some students joined at the very last part of the semester andhence missed the introductory and foundation lectures. One of themapproached you for assistance on what research is about and todeepen his/ her knowledge on the following issues. Briefly helpthis newstudent on these to be able to also carry out a successful andsound research;a. The definition of research. Briefly explain to him/her.b. Any two occasions on which the term research is wrongly usedaccording toWalliman (2005).c. The processes that he/she must go through to successfully carryout a soundresearch.d. Any two qualities of a quality researche. Any three qualities that he /she should exhibit if he/shedesires to be a qualityresearcher.f. The five common mistakes that researchers make; just listthem.g. Given that the student is also the manager of a firm, inform himon when a businessresearch should be conducted.2. Indicate whether the following statements are true or not trueand justify your response;a. The sole purpose of research is to solve a problem.b. Research Methodology and Research Methods mean and imply thesame thing.c. Systematic sampling involves choosing respondents based onreason that therespondents sampled gives you the right information.d. It is the research problem and questions that drives the titlebut not the reverse.3. Past research indicates important gender differences in the useof networks (Hanson andBlake 2009), and suggests that male SME owners are more likely tosuccessfully networkand benefit from networks-driven performance in contrast to femaleSME owners (Watson 2012). In particular, as many women come toself-employment from domestic or nonmanagementbackground (Cromie and Birley 1992), and thus are likely to havepreviously


a) Research is what researcherdo.Resaerch is an activity done by the researcher by searchingsomething new from the existing bunch of knowledge.Research can beproviding with solutions to some problems.Resaerch can be providingwith solutions to some problems.Resaerch is a term which comprisestwo accepts like ” Re” and “Search” so research is finding outsomething new from knowledge world.

b) – (i) Population specifications – Researcher will notunderstand who they must survey because people might be havingmultiple choice consuming multiple product

(ii) Sampling and sample frame errors- It happens when the wrongsubpopulation is used to select a sample

c) – (i) Choose a topic

(ii) Select information source

(iii) Determine strategy

(iv) Execute research

(v) Evaluate

(vi) Process and revise the survey results

d) 2 qualities of quality research

(i) It must generate new questions and logical research

(ii) Quality research must have good research design andmethods,it must have sampling is fit for purpose

(iii) Research must be sufficient for another researcher toreplicate the study

e) 3 qualities of quality researcher

(i) Commitment

(ii) Motivation

(iii) Abstract

(iv) Excellence

f) 5 common mistakes researchers make-

(i) Failing to give close attention to all of the reagentsused

(ii) Failing to document the concerns how experiments areundertaken

(iii) Taking short cuts

(iv) Working alone or unsupervised

(v) Failing to make exact statistical assumptions

g) If a student is a business manager he must conduct businessresearch from the day one of the implementation of businessactivity because his/her aspiration is to make profits in business.Later he /she must go through the process of business where surveyinputs helps business based on demand and supply to flourishbusiness.


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