At an alpha level of 0.05, tes

At an alpha level of 0.05, test to determine if the means of thethree populations are equal. The data below is based on samplestaken from three populations. Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 60 84 6078 78 57 72 93 69 66 81 66


The data is :

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
60 84 60
78 78 57
72 93 69
66 81 66

(1) Null andAlternative Hypotheses

The following null and alternative hypotheses need to betested:

Ho: μ1 = μ2 = μ3

Ha: Not all means are equal

The above hypotheses will be tested using an F-ratio for aOne-Way ANOVA.

(2) RejectionRegion

Based on the information provided, the significance level isα=0.05, and the degrees of freedom are df1​=2 and df2​=2,therefore, the rejection region for this F-test isR={F:F>Fc​=4.256}

(3) TestStatistics

(4) Decision aboutthe null hypothesis

Since it is observed thatF=10.636>Fc​=4.256, it is then concluded thatthe null hypothesis is rejected.

Using the P-value approach: The p-value is p=0.0043, and sincep=0.0043<0.05, it is concluded that the null hypothesis isrejected.


It is concluded that the null hypothesis Ho isrejected. Therefore, there is enough evidence to claimthat not all 3 population means are equal, at the α=0.05significance level.

Please let meknow in comments if anything is unclear. Will reply ASAP. Pleaseupvote if satisfied!

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