, believes that the mean numbe

, believes that the mean number of hours per day all malestudents at the University use cell/mobile phones exceeds the meannumber of hours per day all female students at the University usecell/mobile phones. To test President Loh’s belief, you analyzedata from 29 male students enrolled in BMGT 230/230B this semesterand 13 female students enrolled in BMGT 230/230B this semester.

a. Assuming equal population variances, if the level ofsignificance equals 0.05 and the one-tail p-VALUE equals 0.0242,determine the following, in order: the one-tail critical value, thetwo-tails p-VALUE, and the two-tails critical value (again, ordermatters)

b. Assuming equal population variances and the level ofsignificance equals 0.05, if the calculated value for theassociated test statistic equals 1.8333 (where males are group 1),can you conclude the mean number of hours per day all male studentsat the University use cell/mobile phones exceeds the mean number ofhours per day all female students at the University use cell/mobilephones?



a. Assuming equal population variances, if the level ofsignificance equals 0.05 and the one-tail p-VALUE equals 0.0242,determine the following, in order: the one-tail critical value, thetwo-tails p-VALUE, and the two-tails critical value

Ans :

T-Value (one-tailed): 1.683851

the two-tails p-VALUE = 0.0484

T-Value (two-tailed): +/- 2.021075

b. Assuming equal population variances and the level ofsignificance equals 0.05, if the calculated value for theassociated test statistic equals 1.8333 (where males are group 1),can you conclude the mean number of hours per day all male studentsat the University use cell/mobile phones exceeds the mean number ofhours per day all female students at the University use cell/mobilephones?

test statistic equals 1.8333

one-tail p-VALUE equals 0.0242

since p-value is <0.05 so we reject the null hypothesis andconclude that the mean number of hours per day all male students atthe University use cell/mobile phones exceeds the mean number ofhours per day all female students at the University use cell/mobilephones, at 0.05 level of significance

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