Bionca buys a 14-year bond wit

Bionca buys a 14-year bond with semiannual coupons of $27 eachand a redemption value of $1310. She bought the bond to yield 6%compounded semiannually. Determine the book value of this bond 8years after issue of the bond.


Book value of bond = Present value of futurecash-flows

Reqired rate of return = 6% p.a. (this will be3% [6%/2] as the coupon is received semiannually.

Time = 6 years [ this will be 12 years for 3%as the coupon is paid semi-annually)

As the bond is issued for14 years and 8 years has alreadypassed. This remaining life will be 6 years.

Time (n) Year Coupon Redemption Discounting factor @3%k=1/(1+3%)^n Presentvalue
A B C (A + B) XC
             1     8.5           27                      –                                           0.97                 26.21
             2     9.0           27                      –                                           0.94                 25.45
             3     9.5           27                      –                                           0.92                 24.71
             4    10.0           27                      –                                           0.89                 23.99
             5    10.5           27                      –                                           0.86                 23.29
             6    11.0           27                      –                                           0.84                 22.61
             7    11.5           27                      –                                           0.81                 21.95
             8    12.0           27                      –                                           0.79                 21.31
             9    12.5           27                      –                                           0.77                 20.69
           10    13.0           27                      –                                           0.74                 20.09
           11    13.5           27                      –                                           0.72                 19.51
           12    14.0           27                      –                                           0.70                 18.94
           12    14.0            –                 1,310                                         0.70               918.81
Price ofbond           1,187.57

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