Bramble Corp. designs and manu

Bramble Corp. designs and manufactures mascot uniforms for highschool, college, and professional sports teams. Since each team’suniform is unique in color and design, Bramble uses a job ordercosting system. On January 1, the T-accounts for some of Bramble’sprimary balance sheet accounts were as follows:

Raw Materials Inventory Work in Process Inventory

Beg. 16,400     Beg.30,900    


Finished Goods Inventory Cash

Beg. 27,100     Beg.31,200    


Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable

Beg.58,500         Beg.40,800


During the year, the following events occurred:

1.Bramble purchased raw materials costing $87,500 onaccount.

2.Bramble used $93,000 of raw materials in production. Of these,70% were classified as direct materials and 30% as indirectmaterials. (Bramble maintains a single Raw Materials Inventoryaccount.)

3.Bramble used 38,100 hours of direct labor. The company’saverage direct labor rate was $8 per hour (credit WagesPayable).

4.The company’s only indirect labor cost was the salary of asecurity guard hired to watch the company’s shop after hours. Theguard’s annual salary was $26,200 (credit Wages Payable).

5.Other manufacturing overhead costs the company incurred onaccount totaled $69,000.

6.Bramble applied $132,000 in manufacturing overhead.

7.The company completed production of goods costing$325,000.

8.The company’s Cost of Goods Sold balance was $303,750 beforeadjusting for over- or underapplied overhead.

9.Sales revenue was $449,000 (all sales were made onaccount).

10.Bramble collected $407,000 from customers.

11.The company paid accounts payable of $107,000.

12.At year-end, all wages earned during the year had beenpaid.


Record the transactions above in the appropriate T-accounts andcalculate ending balances. (Post entries in order presented in theproblem.)


1. T – Accounts –

2. Closing Balances –

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