Calculate the amount of CO2 (i

Calculate the amount of CO2 (in kg) dissolved in the top 10meters of the oceans (assume uniformity). If melting glaciers add 1meter to the ocean level, how much additional CO2 (in kg) will thiswater hold? [Liquid ocean surface area = 361.9 Million km^2,average ocean temp 17 C]


Of the Earth’s surface, the oceans occupy 361.9 million squarekilometers (or 361.9 x 106 km²).

Suppose one cubic kilometer of water (or one gigatonne of water)is spread evenly over the entire 361 million square kilometers,then the thickness of the new layer of water formed will be,

1 km³ / 361.9 x 106 km² = 2.76 x 10-6meters = 2.76 microns.

This in terms of gigatonnes is,

(1 km³/Gt) / 361.9 x 106 km² = 2.76 x10-6 meters = 2.76 microns / Gt

So, according to this, 1 km³ of water (or one gigatonneof water) will add less than 3 millionths of a meter to theoceans.

The number of gigatonnes of water that should be added to theoceans for raising the sea level by 1 meter is given by:

1m / (2.76 microns / Gt) = 1 m / (2.76 x 10-6 m /Gt) = 362318.84 Gt

Likewise, 362318.84 km³ of water will raise the oceans 1 m.

Likewise, 3623188.4 km³ of water will raise the oceans 10 m.

1 Gt = 109 tonnes (where 1 tonne = 1000 kg).

3623188.4 Gt = 3623188.4 * 109 tonnes

And 1 tonne = 1000 kg

So, 3623188.4 * 109 tonnes=3623188.4*1012 kg

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