Can you think of a situation i

Can you think of a situation in which the population standarddeviation remained constant while the mean changed? Describe such asituation as best you can, explaining why the standard deviationwould not change although the mean would.


If we add(or subtract) the same amount to each of theobservations then the mean of the observations will change but thestandard deviation will not change.

consider a population variable X under study

if Y=X+a

then E(Y)=E(X)+a

and Var(Y)=Var(X)

where E() denotes expectation and Var() denotes variance.

standard deviation is denoted by sqrt(Var)

in this situation the satdard deviation will not change sincestandard deviation is a measure of dispersion whcih measures howscattered or dispersed the observations are from the mean.

[ we can proof this mathematically :

V(X)=E(X2)-[{E(X)}2]=E(X2)-mu2, where mu=E(X)



=E(X2)+2aE(X)+a2-mu2-2a*mu-a2=E(X2)+2a*mu+a2-mu2-2a*mu-a2=E(X2)-mu2= V(X)

we know that for a constant”a”,E(a)=a,E(a2)=a2


Dear student hope I am able to give you clear explanation. Ifyou like my answer please rate it. Thank you !!

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