Case study 1 -Terrah Terrah is
Case study 1 -Terrah
Terrah is 17 and just found out she is 12 weeks pregnant. Shehas been feeling nauseous and had a poor appetite, but it hassubsided in the last week.
1. What are some key points of advice you can give Terrahregarding her diet as a pregnant teenager to improve a successfuloutcome for her and the baby?
2. What are the key nutrients of concern?
Ans 1. One of the most important things during pregnancy is themaintenance of a healthy and proper diet. During this period themother’s body needs additional nutrients for the proper growth ofthe fetus. These nutrients can be obtained by including thefollowing foods stuffs in the daily food which will be helpful forthe proper growth and development of the baby and also for themaintenance of healthy growth of the mother. The most importantdietary included are as follows:
1. Legumes – It includes mainly peas, soybeans,beans, peanuts, and chickpeas. These are very good sources ofplant-based protein, iron, fiber, calcium, and folate (B9) whichyour body needs in more amounts during pregnancy. B vitamins (B9)from folate is very important for the health of the fetus andmother during the first trimester.
2. Carrot and Sweet potato – This is perfectbeta carotene source that is converted into vitamin A by your body.Vitamin A is essential to your growing fetus for growth and celldifferentiation.
3. Dairy Products – These are a great optionfor pregnant women, especially yogurt. They help in meeting risingrequirements for protein and calcium. Probiotics also can lead toreducing the risk of complications.
4. Salmon and Fish Liver Oil – Salmon containsessential omega 3 omega EPA and DHA fatty acids which are vital tofor developing baby’s brain and eye growth. It’s a good vitamin Dsource as well. Single portion of the fatty oils omega 3, vitaminD, or vitamin A (1 tablespoon or 15 ml) of fish liver oil providesmore than the necessary amount. For women who do not eat seafood,fish liver oil can be particularly important.
5. Broccoli and Dark, Leafy Greens – The bulkof pregnant women’s nutrients are found in Broccoli and vegetables.They are also abundant in fiber, which can avoid constipation orprevent it.
6. Eggs – Whole eggs are extremely nutritiousand an ideal way to increase the overall intake of nutrients. Italso contains choline, a crucial nutrient of brain health andgrowth.
7. Berries – Beers include sugar,carbohydrates, vitamin C, minerals, antioxidants, and herbalcompounds. These help in increasing their intake of nutrients andwater.
8. Lean Meat – Lean meat is a high-qualityprotein source. Like beef and pork, which are essential ingredientsduring pregnancy, also feature-rich in iron, choline, and vitaminB.
9. Whole Grains – Fiber, minerals, andcompounds of plants are packed into whole grains. They are alsomade of B vitamins, fibers, and magnesium — something that womenwho are pregnant need.
10. Water – The increased blood volume duringpregnancy is critical for drinking water. Effective hydration canalso avoid constipation and infections of the urinary tract.
11. Dried Fruit – For pregnant women, driedfruit can be very useful as they are small and dense in nutrients.Only keep the servings small and eliminate and candied varietiesshould be avoided to stop an unnecessary intake of sugar.
12. Avocados – Avocados contain a significantnumber of fatty acids, starch, folate, and potassiummonounsaturated. It helps to improve the fetal health of pregnantwomen and alleviate leg cramps.
Ans 2. The most important key nutrients during pregnancy areiron, calcium, Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin D, vitaminB12, and Folate (Folic Acid). These are the most key nutrientsrequired during pregnancy of a mother to be supplemented in anappropriate amount for proper health and development of mother andfetus.