Choose a chemical/drug of inte

Choose a chemical/drug of interest that effects synaptictransmission. Research this chemical online and then describe howthis drug works in at least a half of a page. Is it aneurotransmitter antagonist/agonist? What type of neurons does itaffect?


Ethanol or Alcohol is a chemical that effects the synaptictransmission.Neurons communicate with each other using signals fromneurotransmitters by binding to proteins called receptors.There area number of proteins involved in the synaptic transmission. Thealcohol affects the concentration of these proteins and in turnaffect synaptic transmission.One of these protein is Ligand-gatedion channels.These are receptors including nicotinic acetylcholine,serotonin3, GABA A and GlyR receptors.Allcohol affects the abilityto release of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and it acts at the GABAAreceptors. GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. Itis associated with the sedative effects of alcohol. It alsoincreases dopamine which is responsible for all pleasurableactivities.This changes in dopamine levels makes a person feelinggreat as it alters the dopaminerelease.It also alters opioidreceptors that leads to β-endorphin release that modulates theperception of pain.It inhibits the postsynaptic NMDA excitatoryglutamate receptors that contributes to sedation.Increasedserotonin activity occurs relating to mood swings,depressionandanxiety.Alcohol causes decreased nicotinic acetylcholinereceptors.They are primary receptor in muscle that controls musclecontraction. Another neurotransmittor affected by alcohol isglutamate that results in slow down in brain activities.Alcohol isan agonist for GABA, serotonin, dopamine and the endorphins and isan antagonist for glutamate it reduces glutamate activity.Theneurons that it affects is GABAergic neurons.Dopaminergic neuronsof the are the main source of dopamine.presynaptic neuron thatreleases glutamate.Serotonin in Raphe Nuclei neurons.

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