Company X is setting up capaci

Company X is setting up capacity in Europe and North America forthe next three years. Annual demand in each market is 2 millionkilograms (kg) and is likely to stay at that level. The two choicesunder consideration are building 4 million units of capacity inNorth America or building 2 million units of capacity in each ofthe two locations. Building two plants will incur an additionalone-time cost of $2 million. The variable cost of production inNorth America (for either a large or a small plant) is currently$10/kg, whereas the cost in Europe is 9 euro/kg. The currentexchange rate is 1 euro for U.S. $1.33. Over each of the next threeyears, the dollar is expected to strengthen (NOT rise) by 10percent, with a probability of 0.5, or weaken(NOT drop) by 5percent, with a probability of 0.5. Assume a discount factor of 10percent.

What is the Year 0 net present value of building 2 million unitsof capacity in each of Europe AND North America?


Change in Eur /USD rate Probability % Increase /(Decrease ) Probability Weighted % Increase/(Decrease )
0.5 10% 5.00%
0.5 -5% -2.50%
Total 2.50%
So the expected increase in exchnagerate increase is 2.5% per annum
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Eur /USD rate with 2.5% strengtheningof USD ( USD value reduces by 2.5% each year againstUSD)                    1.297                 1.264                      1.233
Variable cost Comparison Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Option 1
Making 4M units in NA@$10/kg $      40,000,000 $   40,000,000 $         40,000,000
Option 2 cost
Making 2 M units in Europe @Euo 9/kgconverted to USD at the respective years rate $      23,341,500 $   22,757,963 $         22,189,013
Making 2 M units @$10/kg inNA $      20,000,000 $   20,000,000 $         20,000,000
Total Variable cost in Option2 $      43,341,500 $   42,757,963 $         42,189,013
Incremental Variable cost in Option2 $        3,341,500 $      2,757,963 $           2,189,013
NPV of of buildining 2M unitsin NA and 2M units in Europe.
Initial Investment Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Incremental One time cost $      (2,000,000)
Incremental Variable cost $    (3,341,500) $         (2,757,963) $    (2,189,013)
Total Incremental cost $      (2,000,000) $    (3,341,500) $         (2,757,963) $    (2,189,013)
Discount factor @10% $                       1 $                     1 $                          1 $                     1
PV of Incremental cost $      (2,000,000) $    (3,037,758) $         (2,279,180) $    (1,644,606)
NPV =sum of PV of discountedincremental cost $      (8,961,544)
So the NPV of building 2 million unitsof capacity in each of NA and Eurpoe is = $         (8,961,544)

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