Consider a linear congruential

  1. Consider a linear congruential random number generator withparameters a = 3,

m = 16, and c=0.

  • Select the seed X0 = 3, and generate 3 random variables usingthis generator.
  • What is the period of this generator?



From given data,

Consider alinear congruential random number generator with parameters a = 3,m= 16, and c=0.

a = 3,

m = 16,


The recurrence relation to define generator is

Xn+1 = (a Xn+c) mod m

here X is sequence of random numbers

and X0 is referred to seed which is also called startvalue.

Select the seedX0 = 3, and generate 3 random variables using thisgenerator.

No we have X0 = 3, we need to generate three randomnumbers with it

as we are starting with n = 0 (X0)

X1 = (a*X0 + c ) mod m

X1 = (3*3 + 0) mod 16

X1 = 9 mod 16

X1 = 9

Now let us try X2

X2 = (a * X1 + 0) mod 16

X2 = (3*9 + 0) mod 16

X2 = 27 mod 16

X2 = 11

Now X3

X3 = (a * X2 + 0) mod 16

X3 = (3* 11 + 0) mod 16

X3 = 33 mod 16

X3 = 1

What is theperiod of this generator

Period of Generator :

When c = 0 then generator is call multiplicative congruentialgenerator and period of MCG is at most m

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