Consider the following code se

Consider the following code segment:   count = 1   while count <= 10:      print(count, end=””)Which of the following describes the error in this code?

The loop control variable is not properly initialized.

The comparison points the wrong way.

The loop is infinite.

The loop is off by 1.

Does this code contain an error? If so, what line is the erroron?

0: ans = input(“Yes/No? “)1: if ans == “Yes”:2: print(“Confirmed!”)3: else4: print(“Not Confirmed!”)

line 2

line 3

line 1

No error, this code is fine.

What is the output of the following code:

x = 10  while(x>0):      print(x-1)





In Python, how do you know that you have reached the end of theif-statement block?

A comment #


The code is less indented than the previous line




count = 1while count<=10:    print(count,end=" ")

So the error in the above code is that it is an infiniteloop.

What is an infinite loop?

In simple words, it is a non- terminating loop. So thestatements inside the loop will keep on executing endlessly. In theabove example, it will keep printing 1 on the output window. Thisis because the loop will keep on executing until the value of theloop is less than equal to 10. And here count is 1 and there isnothing inside the loop that is changing its value.


0: ans = input("Yes/No? ")1: if ans == "Yes":2: print("Confirmed!")3: else4: print("Not Confirmed!")

In the above code, the error is in the thirdline. There is a syntax error here. unlike otherprogramming languages like C, C++, and Java the if-else statementends with a :(colon) in python.

So the correct code will look like this:-

ans=input("Yes/No?")if ans=="Yes":    print ("Confirmed")else: #This is the error that was fixed    print ("Not confirmed")


x = 10while(x>0):    print(x-1)

It will print 9,9,9,9,9,9(Forever). Again, itis a case of an infinite loop. and x is 10 and the statement insidewhile i.e

print(x-1) will keep on printing 9 forever because the value ofx will always remain greater than 0 as we don’t have any updatestatement or expression inside the loop to change its value.

In Python, how do you know that you have reached the endof the if-statement block?

ANSWER- Unlike languages like C, C++, and JavaPython works on indentation. So the end of the if-else will bedetermined by its indentation.


x = 5if(x==5):    print "Hi, I am five"    print "Have a nice day" #end of ifx=x+1    

So, here the indentation of the if is

print “Hi, I am five”print “Have a nice day”

That means it will end after these lines.

The line x=x+1 is not a part of if block.


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