Consider the following rationa

Consider the following rational function:

f(x) = 18 (x-1)/(x^2 – 9)

Which of the following are true?

A. The function touches but does not cross the horizontal axisat: x= 1.

B. When x is very large and positive, the value of the f(x)approaches to zero.

C. The function cuddles up to the vertical lines which passthrough x = – 3 and x =3.

D. The function cuts the horizontal axis at x = 3 and x =-3.

E. The vertical intercept of the function is (0,2) and thehorizontal intercept is (1, 0).



A. Clearly, at ,

For ,while for .Since the sign of the function changes at it crosses the horizontal axis at


B. When is large and positive, i.e.

Thus, indeed approaches 0 when is very large and positive


C. The poles of the function correspond to . which correspond to . Thus, it is true that the function cuddles up to the verticallines which pass through


D. We have already seen that the function crosses the horizontalaxis only at . So this is not true.


E. Vertical Intercept corresponds to . At

Thus, the vertical intercept is . We have already seen in (A) that the horizontal intercept is. So this is true.


Thus, the true statements are B,C,E

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