Data collected at elementary s

Data collected at elementary schools in a certain county in theUS suggest that each year roughly 25% of students miss exactly oneday of school, 14% miss 2 days, and 26% miss 3 or more days due tosickness. a. What is the probability that a student chosen atrandom doesn’t miss any days of school due to sickness this year?(Enter your answer to two decimal places.) b. What is theprobability that a student chosen at random misses no more than oneday? (Enter your answer to two decimal places.) c. What is theprobability that a student chosen at random misses at least oneday? (Enter your answer to two decimal places.) d. If a parent hastwo kids at an elementary school in this county, what is theprobability that neither kid will miss any school? Assume theprobabilities are independent. (Enter your answer to four decimalplaces.) e. If a parent has two kids at an elementary school inthis county, what is the probability that both kids will miss someschool, i.e., at least one day? Assume the probabilities areindependent. (Enter your answer to four decimal places.) f. Do youthink it was reasonable to assume the probabilities are independentin parts (d) and (e)? The kids are siblings, and if one gets sickit probably … the chance that the other one gets sick. So whetheror not one misses school due to sickness is probably … of theother


Data collected at elementary schools in DeKalb County, GAsuggest that each year roughly 25% of students miss exactly one dayof school, 14% miss 2 days, and 26% miss 3 or more days due tosickness.


a) the probability that a student chosen at random doesn’t missany days of school due to sickness :

probability does not miss = P(X = 0)

P(X = 0) =1-0.25 – 0.14 – 0.26


b) the probability that a student chosen at random misses nomore than one day :

P(X≤1) = P(X=0) + P(X=1)

= 0.35 + 0.25

= 0.60

c) the probability that a student chosen at random misses atleast one day:

P(X≥1) = 1- P(X=0)

= 1- 0.35

= 0.65

d) If a parent has two kids at an elementary school, theprobability that neither kid will miss any school :

Assume that events are independent,

Therefore, Probability that neither kid miss any school

= 0.35 * 0.35

= 0.1225

e) If a parent has two kids at an elementary school, theprobability that both kids will miss some school, ie at least oneday:

probabilty that both kids miss some school

= (1 – 0.35)*(1 – 0.35)

= 0.65 * 0.65

= 0.4225

f) Do you think it was reasonable to assume the probabilitiesare independent in parts (d) and (e)? The kids are siblings, and ifone gets sick it probably … the chance that the other one getssick. So whether or not one misses school due to sickness isprobably … of the other

we assumed that going to school probability for both kids isindependent of each other, That does not seem much reasonable asbeing kids of same parent their school going tendency should bepositivily correlated.

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