determine the sequence below t

determine the sequence below then answer following questions. IFYOU DONT KNOW IT OR ITS NOT GIVEN SKIP IT!

_______ 4.0 pts. B. Name the gene that we will be sequencingin order to identify the unknown. C. Explain why this region isconsidered to be the target for identification instead ofsequencing the entire genome? D. What is the size (in bp) of targetDNA in E. coli
__________ 4.0 pts. What do we mean by ‘conserved regions inrDNA’? Name the technique used to amplify desired target DNA andstate the purpose of this amplification step. Where, in the targetDNA, do primers bind during PCR (conserved vs. variable)? How manyvariable regions are present in rDNA? (Copy and paste the schematicdiagram to show the regions)
_________ 1.0 pt. Will you be able to identify your unknownorganism(s) if you used DNA sequence for conserved regions (insteadof variable regions) from your PCR product? (Yes or No)
__________3.0 pts. Enter your sequence data here (for A &B). Which variable regions are included in your PCR product? Whatis the advantage of sequencing these regions?
________ 3.0 pt. Write the acronym for RDP. In addition tousing DNA sequence data for identification, list two otheruses.
__________8.0 pt. Name the genus and species of the organismthat best matches the sequence of your PCR product(s)
Organism A _____________________ ____________________
(Genus 2.0 pts) (species 2.0 pts)
Organism B _____________________ ____________________
(Genus 2.0 pts) (species 2.0 pts)


B. The name of the gene that will be sequenced to find outunknown strain of E.coli will be 16S Ribosomal RNA gene.Apartial sequence of which will be amplified to send forsequencing.

C. Instead of targeting the entire genome of the bacteria this16S rRNA gene is targeted because they are ubiquitous in naturewhere ribosomes can not translate mRNA if there is no 16S rRNAcomponent. Hence they are very essential in prokaryotes and alsohigly conserved. So we can construct universal primers for thesehighly conserved region and can amplify 16S rRNA gene fromdivergent bacteria.

D. The size of 16S rRNA gene is around 1400 bp and present inmultiple copies hence very easy to amplify to get prominentband.

Conserved regions : These are the similar sequence that remainedunchanged which would help us to make phylogenetic relationshipsamong different species.

The technique used for the amplification of this regionis  PCR. The primers do bind to conserved region not tovariable region. However the sequence amplified which also containvariable region help to distinguish between 2 species.

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