Do some research on a specific

Do some research on a specific application of chemicalatalysts that you find particularly interesting. Present asummary in your own words to the class (150 or more words), makingsure your posting contains the following:

How did you learn about this application?

Why did you choose it?

What did you learn from your research?


Specific Application of chemical catalysts that I findparticularly interesting is a “Heterogeneous Catalyst named Metal(Manganese) loaded Nitrogen doped Carbon based electro-catalystsfor oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) for Hydrogen Fuelcells”

How did you learn about this application?

Due to very extensive on-going research on hydrogen based fuelcells to meet current energy demand for portable and transportapplications, there is high demand for lower cost, stable andactive electr-catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), whichis one of the reactions of fuel cell. Pt/C is the conventionalcatalyst being used but its very expensive with lessavailability.

Why did you choose it?

I chose Mn as metal for loading as Mn has very high affinity forORR as well as it is abundantly available and not very expensive.On the other hand compaed to conventional Platinum basedelectro-catalysts Mn loaded nitrogen doped carbon demonstratedlower overpotential and thereby high activity of ORR. The Mn isfurther loaded on Nitrogen doped carbon which acts as a support fordiffusion as well as reaction.

What did you learn from your research?

From my obsrvation, I noticed that Nitrogen doped carbon notonly enhances the active sites for ORR due to high electronicconcentration but also improves the stability and durability inacidic and alkaline environments.

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