Does anybody know anything abo

Does anybody know anything about the current Dietary Guidelinesfor 2015-2020, if yes, could you please share your thought aboutwas most important.

Also any suggestions for Research Topic regarding weightmanagemnet.


Dietaryguidelines for 2015-2020

                      * Make a diet schedule which is adequate for your body morphology(ectomorphic,endo

                        morphic and mesomorphic body types).

                     * Diet schedule should include food from all food groups(Carbohydrates,protein,fruit and

                       vegetables,milk and diary products and fat and sugars).

                    * Restrictions in overuse of saturated fat and sugar containingfoods.(Butter,cheese,pork

                       ice cream,dark chicken meat etc).

                   * More preference give to vegetables,fruits,low fat foods andprotein containing foods in diet


                   * Follow low sodium diet and in case of adults who use alcohol onedrink per day and for

                     women two drink per day.

                    * Regular exercises along with food is a part of good lifestyle.


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